in womensday •  7 years ago 

In commemoration of this year international women’s day, I like to dedicate this piece to one of the most powerful women in the world in the crypto space . Her name is Jane ZHANG.


She is knowledgeable and experienced in doing business in China, especially in IT and internet, blockchain and Education and she is now spreading her tentacles all around the world trying to help people of the world with her blockchain innovations to make life easy for everybody and in the process eradicating poverty
Jane Zhang is well-known Chinese angel investor and entrepreneur from Shanghai who was an early investor of Alibaba, UT Starcom and VIPS (NYSE listed company.) She founded Shellpay in 2015 and, as CEO, is in charge of strategy, fundraising and team building. Jane is also the major supporter of Sky Ledger, a third generation blockchain infrastructure platform that delivers highly secure private and public
Blockchain services. Before Shellpay, she was Chief StrategyOfficer for Circle Pleasure Corporation, CEO of Shanghai
Wall Street Strategies Advisors, and CEO of China First Music. Jane has a Masters from Georgetown University, MBA from Harvard and a BA from Fudan University


Jane is a great business advisor in China, knowledgeable and resourceful
She combines superior strategic thinking with business smarts and an understanding of people to bring her clients and colleagues brilliant, successful new businesses.
Jane has great vision and strategic insights for the clients and led the team to effective execution. Jane can always weave together key stakeholders with business goals.
She has a reputation for many things, the most famous one is that of being a genius in seeing opportunities where others do not dare to. Her observation of concepts and trends in society and application of those to business idea's make her a power to be reckoned with in Chinese business. (That and her strong network of connections).


ShellPay is a blockchain based fintech company, which develops different applications that will change people`s lives.
They specialize Blockchain Technology, Digital Assets, Bitcoin2.0, ColouredCoins, Crypto Currencies, Private Equity Market, and Private Chain
As VC, ShellPay searches for blockchain start-ups globally and helps them to explore China market, in co-operation with Ark design (founded by former Frog designers). Blockchain based start-ups are welcome to contact her organization. Their applications include
• Skyledger https://github.com/skycoin/skycoin
• CX platform - public infrastructure allowing blockchain community to develop their own applications
• Super Wallet - multi coins wallet, allowing users to manage their digital assets in one wallet and trade on in-built exchanges
• Mesh Network - decentralized VPN and beyond
• Blockchain solution for Immigration inspection and Customs inspection of Dubai international airport
• Blockchain town of Green Energy, Jiading, Shanghai Blockchian town of military, Nanchang, Jiangxi
• Skyledger ICO of Miaozhua, Yiwu, BlockNews of Netherland, Shellcoin, Lifecoin etc.
With all the doom and gloom about blockchain and bitcoin banning in China, Jane has been able to navigate her way through her numerous connections and she knows that the government is taking a very tolerant approach and She is quick to add that the government is smart enough to know the next big thing.


In a recent interview she said that some of the bitcoin exchanges are even lending without a banking license, which, she says, shows the Chinese government is more interested in protecting innovation than anything else.
“The central government is putting massive investment into some of the poorer regions in China and are planning to build blockchain parks to entice some of the top blockchain minds globally to come to China backed with significant funding,” said Zhang. “There are a lot more blockchain start-ups this year than last year.”
She predicts China will surprise the world again and be the game changer in the crypto world. She personally believe, in 2018, China will be the first major country to launch a central bank digital currency,

Her own team at Skyledger consists of an elite global group of blockchain developers, many from Eastern Europe, who have moved over to Shanghai to work on her private blockchain platform, which was just chosen by the Dubai government for Customs and Immigration

Her company was selected by Dubai Future Accelerator for their 2017 Spring program. They are currently working with Immigration office to develop Blockchain solutions in Dubai

690 dubai future.jpg

The Department of Naturalisation and Residency Dubai (DNRD) processes entry permits, visit visas, residence visas, etc. for entering and living in the UAE if you come in through Dubai. DNRD is also referred to as the Dubai Immigration Department or Dubai Naturalisation and Residence Department


They chose her company develop a blockchain identity authentication system. It is expected that by 2020, it will be possible to build a passport less entry into the airport.
At present, Dubai has a global advanced system for access to customs, which can directly scan iris clearance, and there is still much room for improvement in the future. The future airport clearance, passengers can go directly in the channel, security equipment automatically capture passengers, once the system is completed, Dubai Airport will be the world's first to use passports without customs clearance.


So what's the relationship between Dubai's airport and the blockchain? From the perspective of Shanghai FastPier, when it comes to research and development, it is divided into two major parts: biometrics and data information. Then, the data relates to the blockchain.
If the airport security system is highly simplistic, in fact, it is necessary to solve two problems. First, the passenger to the airport, the system confirms who this person is; second is whether in the end the passenger is allowed to enter or exit, there is no visa, visa Whether it expires or not is in the blacklist. The difficulty lies in the first point: how to identify passengers.

A person's biological characteristics are his own identity proof. Only your biological characteristics, iris data, fingerprints, veins, and comprehensive factor judgments will tell you who you are. The process of confirmation is that this passenger has arrived at the airport for a debut and a simple one-on-one match is all it takes.
The system developed by Speedy can allow the passengers to pass through the channel at the normal speed and install the camera on the side of the channel 2. The judgment will be human, not other animals. After capturing the human face, the human face is enlarged, the eye part is taken, and the iris data part is searched. Here a lot of techniques are involved.


For example, the iris data will have many frames, the quality will be different, the left, right, up, and down look different orientations. The background algorithm is to process the photos in the eyeballs from different angles, and finally get the highest quality eyeball photo. , And then do the iris data extraction, compared with the iris in the database.
The second part is the data, which will involve the blockchain. The airport security system, in a certain dimension, is actually a data system consisting of four parts: data collection, storage, processing and analysis, and databased applications.

In this security system, there are not only biometric data such as facial, fingerprint, and iris data, but also basic passport information, information such as name, age, nationality, visa, etc., as well as travelers’ past immigration records. These data are all Sensitive data that requires a high level of protection is private data. When visitors enter and exit, they will collect this information from you and make sure that they can only be used for border checks.


The speed of data access requires a very large number of passengers for Dubai. Take the third terminal building as an example. Emirates Airlines is a large company. The A380 can reach 800 passengers. If four or five planes land at the same time, three or four thousand people will arrive in Dubai. So many people will pass the customs as soon as possible. The system must be processed quickly.
Then, the function of the blockchain is reflected. One is security. The blockchain has unchangeability in accessing data. Once data is written to the blockchain, no one can modify or delete the data. Second, privacy is used in a large number of encryption algorithms and only specific people can see it. The three are distributed, there is no single point of failure, hackers cannot attack, and each operation of the blockchain is traceable

The blockchain also has a very beautiful payment scheme. Many security check systems need to be resolved, real expenses and fines, and payment methods are very convenient. There is no need to change the currency to pay for the money. Existing blockchain platforms cannot do this. Most of the blockchain is designed for digital currency, and the block generation time is unbearable. Therefore, the existing blockchain must be modified, and then based on Fastband's own area. Blockchain platform - skycoin can do it.


In terms of social service, Jane’s philanthropy is a highly suited community of enterprises with particularly strong amicability, which offers services to the disadvantaged groups in the place where social transition and market fail to function. Her pursuit of perfection and attention to details make the her organization more convincing. By playing her natural role as a mother, Jane expects to bring positive changes to the society and carry forward the philosophy of philanthropy through her influence on families’ and children.
She hopes everyone can use blockchain together to build a niche community to pursue happiness together. Her company is ready to develop 10 kinds of coins this year.
The most breath taking one is Lifecoin that with the use of blockchain and biotechnology, we might begin to see a real advancement in the cure of cancer and also a real solution to stop again
Lets use today to celebrate one of the greatest women at the cutting edge of leading Innovations
Happy Women’s day Jane

To follow her project and partake in the pre-ICO, you can join her by adding her at we chat @ shjanezhang

You can follow skyleder @
Telegram @ https://t.me/Skycoin
You can follow shellpay @
Telegram @ https://t.me/shellcoin2


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