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in womenspeakout •  7 years ago 

Why don't more men speak out for women's rights?

I know many men, myself included, who like to think they treat women as human beings with equal rights and sexual agency. I know very few of these men have spoken out publicly in support of women's rights, myself included before now.

Is it enough to just personally "be a good guy"? I do not think so. In a perfect world, men would not have to speak out in support of women's rights just like women would not have to. Because women would have equal rights in this perfect world. The right to not be raped. The right to not be drugged. The right to not be sexually harassed. The right to equal pay for equal work. The right to political representation. The list goes on.

Am I mansplaining this?

You see, what the ladies need is a man to swoop on in here and explain this feminism stuff :)

I hope I can navigate the shoals of being a cisgender white male talking about feminism and women's rights without totally embarrassing myself. I am not an expert in feminist theory nor a particularly politically active individual. I am pretty acutely aware of my male privilege. I am absolutely willing to stop and listen and I invite a conversation in the comments.

This next bit is directed at the fellas

You may not think you are privileged. You may in fact point to things in your life as reasons that you are not privileged. The truth is on a daily basis you have many privileges based on your male gender, and the privilege of being unaware of your male privilege is actually one of them. While male privilege extends so far beyond "just" sexual assault, I do not think you have to look farther than rape to settle this male privilege debate.

One in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives

Did you ever think of not being raped as a privilege? Isn't that fucked up?

91% of the victims of rape and sexual assault are female, and 9% are male

In eight out of 10 cases of rape, the victim knew the person who sexually assaulted them

Male privilege is real, and one of those privileges is not having to be afraid of a man following you and sexually assaulting you, or a male "friend" sexually assaulting you. But these are just the most blindingly obvious examples. Do check out this more comprehensive list of male privileges with sources.

So you are aware of your male privilege... what now?

I think an important first step for any man to take is to listen to the women in his life. Guys the bad news is that every woman you know can tell you a story about times she has had to deal with male privilege in a negative sense. The good news is you can listen and learn.

You can also speak out in support of women yourself. I have two sons age 3 and 1. I would love for there to be more positive male role models for them. If you have children yourself, take a look at the boys and girls toys and clothes the next time you are at the store. Shoot, look at Amazon. There are so many systems working together in our society to enforce normative gender roles of aggressive masculinity and submissive femininity. It is not enough to just be a good guy in the face of this. It is going to take action by men and women alike to bring change. Guys I call on you to take action by publicly supporting women and women's rights.


I know the #womenspeakout movement is about a lot more than just speaking out against sexual assault. I am here to listen to the women of the Steem blockchain and the women of planet Earth beyond, and I am here to support. I am not here to stand behind you or in front of you. I am not here to tell you how to do it. I am here to stand next to you and look across to you.

I want to thank in particular @limabeing for calling me out in the most delightful way I could imagine and @katrina-ariel for kicking off the #womenspeakout posting.

Putting my STEEM/SBD where my mouth is

I delegated 200 SP today to @teamgirlpowa in support of women posting on Steem. I pledge 100% of the SBD payout of this post to @teamgirlpowa as well. Don't be shy with the upvotes :)

Why Team Girl Powa?

Team Girl Powa is awesome and inclusive and 100% worthy of support. From the Team Girl Powa "Community Guidelines" (posted in #why-girl-power in the Team Girl Powa Discord server):

This is a group of awesome human beings that support and respect women. We as a group and individuals are expected to believe in and openly support this concept, the value of girl power, gender equality, race equality, lgbtqinb rights, and be open to helping empower women.

I know this to be true and am proud to support Team Girl Powa!

Much love - Carl

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Thank you for speaking out on behalf of women. And thank you for being willing to admit that male privilege is a thing. Half the battle is getting people to admit that women are not treated equally and we have to deal with struggles and hardships that most men will never understand. We have a long way to go before we reach full equality but posts like this help get us one step closer. I hope more men are inspired to speak out on our behalf like you have. This isn’t just a battle for women to fight alone. We need the support from the male community if we ever want to see our dreams of a world where women get the respect and treatment that every human deserves come to fruition. Thank you for recognizing this.

Thank you for articulating this so well. You have 100% captured my reasons for posting. BTW I found your talented and lovely wife the other day while looking through new posts and she is pretty amazing as well :) Happy to see you here on my blog.

Much love - Carl

I am happy to be here and look forward to following your content!

@carlgnash, I'm thrilled to hear your voice in the #womenspeakout tag — thank you @limabeing for inviting this kind of discussion. In the original WSO post the guidelines were set for only women could post to the tag (I thought that was the vision at the time), but I wish I could go back and edit that to say "Everyone who wants to speak up for women, please do!!!"

It can be hard to come to terms with privilege, especially when it's something you take for granted, or when you have also come from hardship. All of us have challenges, and yet some of us have it easier than others because of who we are. I've become more aware of my own privilege as a white woman, and purposely try to uplift diverse voices to bring balance to this. I think awareness comes in layers, and the more diverse voices we listen to, the broader our perspective.

Though I can speak out freely here, when face to face with a man abusing his privilege (generally unknowingly), I shrink and hide, hurt and anger eating me from the inside. I think we need more men speaking out for women, because many men are so programmed to disregard the voices of women it may be the only way this issue can really change is if male voices help it to do so. Thank you so much for posting this!

Thanks for your awesome posting in #womenspeakout! And for being awesome in general :) I had been thinking about posting in support of TeamGirlPowa for a while anyway, and when I saw #womenspeakout I asked Lima about men posting with that tag. It wasn't clear to me from your original post if men were welcome to use it but I was encouraged by Lima's response and now again by your response here as well :)

Much love - Carl

Damn, dude. You really take a challenge and run with it. You know whats nuts? I've been afraid to be this full on about my feminism ideals. To become fully political rather than fun political , which girl powa often leans towards, is scary! This is especially true when you read 2-3 antifeminist posts that are labeled #feminism everyday.

We just want to put some good stuff out there. We wanted to be inclusive not just because we need you to be our "hero" but because as a rare male feminist ( im gonna say that now) and fulltime dad hero YOU NEED US TO HONOR YOUR RADICAL LIFESTYLE in this face of toxic/aggressive masculine shaming.

Society is all of us. Power is the ability to enact change among us. Moreso than steem, you have given us, given me , a huge hope and inspiration to further help create a better , more just , and more diverse blockchain society!


SWEET!!!! I got the GIRLPOWA BADGE!!! I have made it :) All the love for you @limabeing and Team Girl Powa <3

Well deserved sir

Thanks for this post, and for the opportunity to donate a full upvote to my pals at @teamgirlpowa. I'm donating %25 of the SBD from this post to the group.

thank you for saying this. i try not to put too much energy into the times I was taken advantage of by men at work, their anger when I didnt accept advances, the raises I never got, the jobs I was qualified for that went to men. It's status quo, even today. I hope one day it will change.

I know what kind of society I was brought up in and how men were taught to behave and believe just as much as women were forced to accept that this is how it is. I have fought sexual discrimination my whole life without getting on any bandwagon because guess what? women on bandwagons are called dirty names by men so that men can avoid having to face the issues.

I also know that my experience is just a drop in the bucket compared to other women who weren't as lucky, who couldn't avoid an encounter. I read with pain the reality of women in third world countries sold off, forcibly circumcised, married, mutilated, because of the beliefs and customs in that culture. And there's a weird ironic knowing part of me that feels lucky that I was born a white woman in North America.

I am a survivor of childhood molestation and adult rape several times over. My niece is also a survivor, by a church pastor. Several friends of mine have similar stories.

I try not to let it affect me, but it does, just like it has affected my niece for years. She is 16 now, and went from being a happy vivacious girl into a reclusive fearful one. I won't force the issue on anyone, but I'm proud to speak out.

I love you @torico <3 Thank you for sharing this here as well

Such an important topic, and as a man helping to raise 8 daughters, it has become much more poignant as I accepted the role of being a dad. We need to fundamentally retool how men approach women. Primarily, men need to lose the selfishness that tends to poison their brains and is reflected in their actions. They need to stop profiting by compensation inequalities in the work place. Many will talk some eloquent smack, but giving up coin to level the pay scale can often result in empty words and unfulfilled promises. Probably worse is sacrificing their own selfishness pleasure desires to ensure their actions aren't demeaning or degrading or hurting women. If Everman was reprogrammed in his personal selfishness, then I believe there would be more passion toward thwarting the monsters, who are not merely acting for self gain, but are evil and damaging our friends, wives, sisters, and daughters for their sick and demented exhibition of power over another. This is not okay. There must be a fire ignited under our willingness to snuff out abuse at any level. Men should rally with women to the call of the distressed, abused, and injured and correct the problem...with a ferocity that reflects the belief than none deserve abuse. It is obvious that the systems in place do not protect women. The sick and deranged aren't deterred. Nobility must rise up in people to the point we care enough to step in to create a level of deterrence in all cultures, despite any personal cost, so that evil is no longer willing to raise it's head. So, while my daughter's and wife and family members are comforted to know that while my boys and I live, we will not tolerate abuse in their lives, I wonder what we as a society are willing to sacrifice, as individuals, so that all people can live safely?

8??!?!? Wow!!! Busy couple! :P ty so much for your support! followed

We stay busy. Twelve total. Six are of our own making and six were chosen and have blessed us more than we could ever return. 8 girls, 4 boys, diverse, full of passion, and my reason for waking up each day.


Thanks @drwillwho. If I remember right you and your family are strong in the Christian faith - I only mention this because I think this issue is absolutely a Christian issue as well. Christ would not and did not treat women differently and one of my favorite parables is the anointing of Jesus by Mary (and not the virgin one neither). So thank you for being a positive example of the Christian spirit in action :)

Much love - Carl

You are way too kind, and I'll be extremely reluctant to accept much credit when I have been guilty of so much and continue to struggle. However, I do try to help and provide for those I interact with and have reached a point where I feel I am very willing to sacrifice for others. Bullying of any kind infuriates me and I have no use or patience for the unkind.

Thank you!

I wish I could upvote this 10000000000000000000000000% because it's not every day you see a man put his money where his mouth is, let alone on the topic of giving women the floor. Thank you for putting yourself out there, for your obvious commitment to a future of equality, and for supporting women on Steemit! 💓

Awww thanks Amelia! One of my sisters is named Amelia :) It is a great name <3 Nice to meet you here today

If actually more men can speak for women, there won't be anything like Gender inequality.

Speak with and speak up about , you mean? :) ;)

Or maybe if more men defended womens right to speak for themselves.

Right. That is what carl is doing here and i believe thats what vincent meant

Those statistics are awful, especially because they aren't only horribly high (any number, in truth, is not a good number) but because behind those statistics are real people whose lives have been irrevocably changed in some way, and not of their own volition.

There are many different levels that sit under the umbrella of sexual assault and none of them are pleasant to experience. Truth.

Thank you for your wonderful post. :)

Truth! The spectrum of inequality is staggering. Respect, sister.

Wow, @carlgnash. So very well said. I’m sure it was not easy to write this post. The issues are so incredibly fraught with land mines that even coming out with well thought out statements of support can feel risky, especially (I imagine) for a guy. This sounds like a wonderful initiative, and I look forward to learning more, and happily support with my uovote.

The more guys who get the depth and breadth of the challenge, the more it may be possible for us to arrive one day at a more enlightened and positive homeostasis. Right now it’s a challenge to find common ground, and a healthy way to even discuss the issues. You’ve done such a wonderful job of capturing them.

I have never been raped, but have dealt with a wide spectrum of harassment up to and including events that felt life threatening. I joined Steemit around the time the “me too” movement started, and I wrote a post to share my stories. (If anyone is interested, they can read it here. The point of it was to illustrate the number and variety of ways one average woman is accosted. I am not exceptional. But all those things and more have happened to little old me. They are just a selection of the most startling examples.

Thank you again for this great post. I hope it makes a lot of money for the cause and opens more eyes.

Yes exactly @jayna and well said. The point is that most women have stories like this. And I thank you again for sharing yours, in your post previously and again here. Much love - Carl

I wish it was not so. But yes, I think most women have stories. And some have many.

respect wamen!!!!!

yoo no de wey!

Ebola brother!

Sister fister!

Hi @carlgnash, I found out about this post (an excellent one by the way) through @charisma777 but I hope that other men can read about this through more guys talking about and making sure that this is not an issue on Steemit or anywhere else for that matter. I know that there is no ideal world but those who can and have been wanting an opportunity to do something can definitely benefit by showing their support :)

You're going to have a hard time selling me on "male privilege", Carl. A lot of those "160 examples" are examples of privileges that larger/stronger people enjoy, privileges that disagreeable people enjoy, or are simply examples of mean things that women do to other women (or that mean people do to other people). Very little of it has anything to do with one gender being more privileged than another.

I ask you to re-read that list while keeping in mind that females do the sexual selection of our species and that females do the majority of female bullying in our society. Females "slut shame" overwhelmingly more than males. Females apply negative peer-pressure on other females that don't conform to societal standards. Males love promiscuous females, males don't care about shaved legs or the 100 other things that females hound each other about. Males simply want to be chosen as mates by females and act in ways that they believe will accomplish that goal.

All people have privileges and burdens. The fact that males are generally larger and physically stronger than females doesn't mean that there's something wrong with men. There are many small males that have the same burdens that females have (being worried when walking alone at night, being intimidated by larger people, being overlooked in group conversations, etc).

The fact that males are generally less agreeable than females isn't an example of "male privilege". Disagreeableness is a key personality trait that determines income and position in the workplace. Disagreeable females make more money than agreeable males, but more males are disagreeable than females. Agreeable people accept the wages offered to them, disagreeable people fight for more.

You have two young boys. Did you know that they are 10% more likely to drop out from school than girls in Oregon? It turns out that agreeableness is a key trait for determining educational success, and girls are generally more agreeable. Is that a "female privilege" that females should be educated about and made to feel bad about? Or is it simply something to keep in mind if you notice that your boys are particularly disagreeable?

The female half of our species is responsible for the sexual selection of our species. If masculinity was so toxic, females would have stopped mating with "manly men" many generations ago. Males compete amongst themselves and females choose which ones to mate with. This is true for most mammals. Is it "toxic" that we mammals exhibit normal mammalian behaviors?

Women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence. Those terrible toy stores and Amazon's marketplace are primarily shaped by the purchasing decisions of females. Should we change our stores and limit the purchasing freedoms of females for the sake of "equality"? Are you forcing your boys to be into dump trucks and karate chops? Or do they simply like building and destroying, breaking and fixing, and competing versus socializing? Could it be that this is their nature and that no matter how much you try to reason with them, they will like what they like? Shouldn't females be allowed to simply like what they like as well? Even if that means pink toys for girls and blue toys for boys.

I appreciate the sentiment of your post, Carl. If women (or any other groups) are being treated unfairly, we should recognize it and address the problems. But I don't see anything in your post about specific rights that males have but females don't have. I don't see any examples blatant unfairness or lack of opportunity for women.

Obviously, rape is bad. This is why I don't rape and don't associate with rapists. Besides encouraging opposition to rape (which is our society's default), what do you hope to accomplish with this post?

I don't see this post doing anything other than encouraging people to look at the world through a "women versus men" lens. Life is too complex to be seen from such a black and white perspective and the overwhelming majority of humans don't view the opposite sex as their enemy. Human society needs males and females. It needs agreeable and disagreeable people, it needs conservatives and liberals, it needs adventurers and homebodies. Our species cannot survive with only a female perspective. It cannot survive with only a male perspective. This is why we team up and become stronger when we pair with people who are different than us.

Your boys aren't privileged because of their sex. They are going to be told over and over that they have unearned privilege. That idea is false and harmful to their development. Your boys, like every other human, will face struggles and difficulties. They will have to fight and compete for what they get. That is the burden of being a human on the planet earth. Modern feminism views this as unfairness caused by "toxic masculinity", but it's simply the nature of being hierarchical creatures in a hierarchical society.

I'd upvote this post, but I have no idea what @teamgirlpowa will use the money for. I've seen no evidence that females on Steemit are in need of extraordinary support or activism. Without definable goals, things like "the value of girl power, gender equality, race equality, lgbtqinb rights, and be open to helping empower women" are just a bunch of buzzwords. Show me where, and how, specific actions will fix legitimate issues and I'll see if I can help. Repeating words and phrases that are impossible to act on seems counterproductive and is not something that I want to empower or give credibility to.

I appreciate the respectful and well reasoned tone. I suggest if statistics are not something that would convince you on this issue, to talk to women :) The easiest way to see this, I think, is to just ask some women in your life about #metoo. I have done this myself. The most common response has been "Of course. Of course me too." I have yet to talk to a woman about this (and I have talked to quite a few) who didn't assume that every woman they knew had been sexually assaulted. You can wrap it up in as many different ways as you want. You can say the cause of this is whatever you want. You can agree or disagree with feminist theory. As a man it is relatively likely that you have not been sexually assaulted. If you have, I apologize - that doesn't change that the majority of the men you know have not. Try just talking to some women about this and listening. The issue goes way beyond just sexual assault but the reason I am focusing on this, in the post and my response, is because it is the easiest to see and the most repulsive example.

Ahhbut Carl, then hed have to take us at face value and trust.

As for "what we will do" we having been working on our white paper but want it to be as airtight as possible. Its especially difficult because we have to find, assemble , and compile both irl and blockchain data.

What is clear is that there is only one female identified person in the top 50 witnesses. I'm not sure where @patrice is at but its not top 50 even tho i have campaigned for her as the creator of @steemcleaners The female identified person is @crimsonclad who is a partner with @followbtcnews Of course, when i mention this, i am often reminded that @followbtcnews is a man and msny dont know they they work together. They dont know all of the work she does unless they are in @minnowsupport and at that, she still doesn't have a seat at the hardfork table unless she went back in to the top 20. Why is that? Because no woman wants to run a server and run a program 24/7 in order to have a voice is the answer i get.

When i suggsted tgp run a witness server pretty much everyone was saying "are you crazy" ?! Not enough women whales to get the support to break even. At that , who knows who all of the few female supporting whales are and how do we ask for their support? To do so would be intimidating at the least.

@stellabelle has supported us in the past and i hope that still stands.

"The money"

Will be put into SP as we are working towards being a curation guild and media outlet.

But... thats a ways off. If this works. With the year we will be employing our moderators just as curie does! Into the following year work for on-the-ground-efforts in venezuela, south africa, nigeria, and either aceh or manilla. But these are lofty goals. Only time will tell if we get anywhere close. Thank the universe some folks believe in us !!! @carlgnash is one of them

Ahhbut Carl, then hed have to take us at face value and trust.

Why would you assume that I don't take firsthand accounts at face value? I haven't written anything to indicate that I don't trust women or take them at their word.

I voted for Patrice for witness, she deserves a higher spot

I agree that it is important to listen to people and try to empathize with others. I can't imagine the horror of being sexually assaulted. It's a crime that should rightly be punished by law. I have been the victim of violent crimes and I know how terrifying they can be, I can't imagine adding a sexual element to that experience.

I think that I see more clearly your objective for this post. Listening to others and gaining empathy for their situation and making sure that you're not making their situation worse (please correct me if I'm still not getting it). I agree with that objective wholeheartedly.

My problem with the statistics that you used is that they appear to highlight how victimized females are and how bad males are for victimizing females. The nature of our reproductive organs guarantees that more males will commit rape than females, obviously. The nature of our society's sexual selection process guarantees that more males will commit rape than females.

The reality is that both genders are victims of horrific crimes and circumstance. Males in America make up 77.8% of homicide victims. 93% of people who suffer workplace fatalities are male. 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 4 men are victims of domestic abuse. We all face potential victimization.

Maybe I'm just being defensive, or maybe I only care about issues that affect me, but it seems like posts like this are used to highlight how easy men have it, and how unfair life is for women. A big section of your post is dedicated to male privilege, after all. I believe that both genders face near-insurmountable obstacles and hardships. Both genders face dangers and challenges that are unique to their gender. Highlighting one group's adversity while diminishing another group's adversity seems like the opposite of equality to me. Not that I'm accusing you of diminishing a group's adversity, but "male privilege" robs male victims of their ability to be heard when speaking out.

I appreciate the response, Carl. I no longer see your post as only helping to reinforce the "male vs female" lens. We should all be aware of how our actions and attitudes affect others around us. My fear is that these kinds of posts lead people to the false conclusion that men have "privilege" and therefore are solely responsible for the problem and the solution. If humanity is going to solve any of these problems, we'll have to do it together. I don't believe that sentiments like "girl power" bring us together.

Thanks for the response. You are pretty much right on the money as far as what I am trying to do. I have been considering writing a post specifically about the defensive reaction. And I knew I ran a very real risk of triggering a defensive reaction when I chose to talk about male privilege. I believe I even correctly predicted that many of my male readers would point to reasons that they are not privileged. Why does supporting women have to come at the cost of tearing down men? I don't think it does. But then again, I also don't think that acknowledging male privilege tears down men. I could have written a post that just said I support women and I support #womenspeakout and it would probably not have triggered this reaction in you.

But ultimately I think I also wanted to trigger a reaction. I want to spark a discussion. I am ashamed that at one instance in my responses above (not to you) I failed to maintain the level of decorum that I expect of myself and descended into a snarky personal attack. That was not my intention. My intention was to provoke men that think this is a non-issue and get them to engage in a conversation. You can be both privileged by gender, and unprivileged for many other reasons (sexuality, race, socio-economic status, geography, etc.). There is a lot to untangle here. That being said I absolutely think that there are gendered differences that cut across all these other lines, in western society and most if not all other societies that I am aware of. To say that the reason more women are sexually assaulted than men is a factor of biology is exactly what I am talking about here - THAT is male privilege. The privilege of being born with a penis, sir. You have hit the nail on the head. You came around to the idea from the other direction even if you are saying this statement as an argument against male privilege.


More makes do the raping due to physiology, I’ll acceot that as truth. But doesn’t negate the 1 in 5 women stat. That is an alarming number. And does include the women that are too afraid to speak up and report it.

such lovely talk--but bless your heart gnash-gnash for raising the bar and reminding us of a power greater than just words: our power as consumers. and better--our power NOT to consume! the power to boycott!

regardless how we talk, it's ultimately how we spend that counts. if we sincerely support women's rights, let's cease to support big institutions that destroy women's rights.

like football: surrogate warfare carried out on a mock field of battle. and what are the spoils of war? WOMEN! just see them lined up on the 40-yard line like cuts of meat. this is so much a part of our culture hardly anyone thinks about it.

for years I got to visit with a policewoman whose task was security chief for public events. she told me once she'd rather work a thousand grateful dead shows than a single duck football game. the blatant drunkenness and hooliganism, the date-rape and violence that spreads out from these events like rings on water.

how many times have we heard of football players doing rape and continuing to play ball? charges dropped or hearings postponed till after the big playoff?

we continue talking up women's rights--but let's get real and stop supporting institutions that violate them.

boycott football! and boycott advertisers who support football, like blood-wizer and koors. put our money where our mouth is!

wow, I must say I am proud. I believe in my lifetime I met not more than just enough men to count on one hand fingers who tackled such topic so openly.

it is really upsetting to know that women are very often used as a tool, and very commonly, as sexual tool to fulfill the needs of men. I am not sure if men understands this because the biology and mindset of men and women are so different! I remember my ex -bf explaining to me, "guys are like animals, and we don't know why, but we behave like that, im not sure if it can be controlled, but it is like instinct. So try not to wear this or show that ect .." he was trying to explain why men act in certain ways subconsciously and his intention that time is just to protect me...
idk....world ain't good out there

Well Said, Nice to see when SBD's go to good Initiatives

Thank You For Supporting ⭐️ @esaia.mystic

Thank you for supporting @teamgirlpowa. It's great seeing a man foster equality to a culture of gender inequality.

Wow @carlgnash, this post is great! I'm impressed, heartwarmed, and thankful <3

What utter garbage. Women already have the same rights as men anywhere in the 1st and 2nd world. You don't have to explain shit, they can speak for themselves. You're the only one robbing them of agency.

That 1 in 5 rape stat is total bollocks, it's based off a survey that includes flirting in the same class as rape. Not to mention that we already regard rape as bad and is punishable by law.


EDIT - I want to apologize for my first comment/reply to you. I am not deleting it, you can still reference the original comment below.

I want to apologize for two reasons:

  • First, I invited discussion in the comments. I specifically called for discussion in the comments in my post. I should have thanked you for commenting here, not given you a snarky comment with a personal attack (I am particularly sorry for the "guys like you" line.
  • Second, I broke a personal rule here. I try never to take an action in anger. I try to live this way in my personal life and even moreso in my public, online life. I totally failed to live up to my own standards here. I was pissed off at you and your responses after reading the thread of your conversation with @limabeing, and I responded in anger. I have had some time to calm down and I can honestly say I am sorry. I hope youaccept my apology. I am happy to have a discussion with you here and it is never my intention to try to silence one side in a debate. I do not support censorship. I am glad you are commenting here.

Cheers - Carl


I appreciate you showing up to prove (not that we needed any more proof) that what I am saying is true :) Guys like you are exactly why we need more guys like me :) Much love - Carl

Please give yourself a break Carl. Its very hard not to be defensive when we created beautiful stuff and someone is so hateful and dismissive. He said a lot of hurtful things, mostly about you and your post. Its okay to be angry when someone hurts you on purpose and seemingly only for the sake of being right. Neither of us owe him an explanation. I only feel sorry that i even tried. I knew it wouldn't go anywhere. The woman in the video he posted helps create attotudes like his and I'm not sure why. Because she thinks its fun to be little people and vaguely attempt to discredit actual reserch when all she did was read and google?

Everyone can change and be open but not everyone will. Society can change whether they do or not. We can build whether he likes it or not. We can post this data whether he thinks its "stupid" rather than complex in ways he may never understand. We can support and cheer each other. And he can continue to hate. You are not silencing him by expressing you pain and hurt in a less than perfect way. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

I can still apologize for commenting in anger. I didn't live up to the standards that I hold for myself. I felt bad about it.

Okay so now you can forgive yourself? Because i dont think you should have such extreme standards. It was a troubling debate that i've just had to stop engaging. 🤷‍♀️

More bullshit! I specifically stated more then once in that discussion that my issue isn't with him in any way, but with skewed information. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt as well, but obviously that was a mistake. If facts are hurtful, well... tough shit!

@carlgnash 🤷‍♀️ Narcissism is strong in this one.

". You don't have to explain shit, they can speak for themselves. You're the only one robbing them of agency."

"And I don't give a shit if he was called to do shit or not."


"Maybe you should listen to an actual sane feminist here rather than spout nonsense."

That ones a personal dig for me.thnx. I will consider your kind suggestion.

you consider his post and the links and his being a male feminist garbage. I think you edited that.

You did say that you have issues with women but i think you meant yiu dont. Yiu have issues with male feminists and feminists. This is tainting the entire discussion.

Rather than respect what i know, you assume that i am stupid/naive and that you are more educated.

These are attacks. This is not open and thoughtful debate. This is not showing respect. This is not heloing anyone but your own ego.

Lol, so pointing out where your logic is flawed is not helping anyone? Only if you refuse to see reason. And no, I have no issue with women as a whole. But I won't prop women up as a whole either. Some are nice people, some are cunts, same with any other group. I don't stand for any group, I stand by principles based in reality and facts. Your study is flawed as fuck, yet you tout it as gospel, hence yes, you are, at the very least, naive.

Very commendable. I don't think your original statement was out of line, but I appreciate seeing someone holding themselves up to their own standards. Hopefully, I can do the same.

Don't apologize! Say what you want to say! If you read that whole thread, then you realize that my issue is with false statistics being pushed to paint a view of the world that does not exist... at least in the west.

"It doesn't exist" @calrgnash @frontforwardenemy this is not the only person who thinks this way on steemit. They post in #feminism regularly . Not only do they disrespect my views as a feminist but be little me as a woman of agency. They constantly post hate and belittle feminists but as you can see even when im trying to be patient its fuck you fuck that etc etc. zero respect.

Keep tagging! And maybe you should check what I post before spouting even more nonsense.

And damn straight I'll belittle feminists. They're no different than any other fanatics. And if facts are hate, then damn straight I'm hateful!

PS: Respect is earned, not given.

  1. Shes wrong and never shows empirical data. Look at his link https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/publications_nsvrc_factsheet_media-packet_statistics-about-sexual-violence_0.pdf
  2. If you had read his post--- reaaally read it--- you would know that he has been called to speak. He wasnt called to lay the full on smax down, but damn, he's here doing it. We need him. We called him. And its not your choice to decide otherwise.
    If "feminism is cancer" then why has it giving so many rights and freedoms to western women? 🤷‍♀️ Thats some good cancer. I'll take two please. Pass, on the radiation though.

even if you have any semblance of being right why bother? Does it hurt you that I want to support men that also support me and are open about it?
Does it hurt you if Carl is taking a huge risk to speak positively about feminism?

I hearby vow 🙋🏼 That if team girl powa becomes as powerful as haejin or bernie ( n no im not gonna tag them lol) we will not flag anti-feminist posts. You can keep talkin. We don't care. :)

Thank you so much for your input and have a nice day

Sixty-eight women (1.4% of the sample) were victims of forced sexual assault both before and since entering college, and 140 women (2.5% of the sample) were victims of incapacitated sexual assault both before and since entering college (data not shown).
Excerpt from your "study.. that's 3.9%, roughly 1 in 25 women actually face sexual assault. The rest is regretted drunk sex and shit.
Also, the "wage gap" is garbage. It only takes the average wages of all full-time women and men, disregarding lifestyle choices, vacation time, the type of job, overtime and other factors. Talk about missing relevant empirical data.
And I don't give a shit if he was called to do shit or not.

Maybe you should listen to an actual sane feminist here rather than spout nonsense.

Ok let me put on my giving fux hat later. Right now I'm going back to sleep knowing that my work for women on the blockchain and in the world is understood and going to be welcomed by someone on the blockchain. Just not you noted. Ttfn

you rock @limabeing

So you have no idea what you're talking about, got it. And I got issue with women anywhere. I got an issue with feminists anywhere, especially male feminists.

The funny thing is you are proving a point to so many women that even if you focus on positivity, the haters will show up.

Since you asked so nicely. Here is further explanation of "drunk sex and shit"

"The typology that guides the classification of sexual assault in the CSA Study is based on how the assault (or attempted assault) was achieved. Virtually all sexual assault research distinguishes between assaults occurring as a result of physical force (or threats of physical force) from assaults that do not involve the use or threat of force; the CSA Study similarly considers physically forced sexual assault as a distinct category of assault. Another means through which sexual assault is achieved is incapacitation of the victim. Legal definitions of sexual assault factor in one’s ability to provide consent, and individuals who are incapacitated because of the effects of alcohol or drugs (or otherwise incapacitated, such as when they are unconscious or asleep) are incapable of consenting. In the CSA Study, we consider as incapacitated sexual assault any unwanted sexual contact occurring when a victim is unable to provide consent or stop what is happening because she is passed out, drugged, drunk, incapacitated, or asleep, regardless of whether the perpetrator was responsible for her substance use or whether substances were administered without her knowledge. We break down incapacitated sexual assault into four subtypes. The first two subtypes pertain to sexual assaults achieved when the victim is given—without her knowledge or consent—a substance that physically incapacitates her and makes her incapable of providing consent. DFSA (drug-facilitated sexual assault) is defined as unwanted sexual contact occurring when the victim is incapacitated and unable to provide consent after she had been given a drug without her knowledge or consent. Incidents classified as DFSA are those in which the victim is certain that she had been drugged. In contrast, SDFSA (suspected drug-facilitated sexual assault) is defined as incapacitated sexual assault occurring after the victim suspects that she had been given a drug without her knowledge or consent. The third type of incapacitated sexual assault considered in the CSA Study is termed alcohol and/or other drug- (AOD-) enabled sexual assault. This subtype includes unwanted sexual contact occurring when the victim is incapacitated and unable to provide consent because of voluntary consumption of alcohol or other drugs. Finally, to distinguish between incapacitation due to the effects of AOD (administered either coercively or voluntarily) and other types of incapacitation, we include a fourth type of incapacitated sexual assault in our typology. Other incapacitated sexual assaults capture the remaining, and likely uncommon, situations in which a victim can be incapacitated, such as by being asleep or unconscious."

Can you imagine, having so many variables of classication for how to fuck a man non-consenually? Maybe you have your own data on that. Why is it this way? because no one believes us

All we want is to live our lives without discrimination and harrassment and with a true chance for respect. I'm sorry you have issues. But you are missing out cuz @carlgnash is an amazing human! Even before i knew how hardcore he was. I hope you find something else that makes you feel better about how our movement and the work we are doing to support women on the blockchain negatively effects you.


Did you bother to red the quote? Here it is again
"Sixty-eight women (1.4% of the sample) were victims of forced sexual assault both before and since entering college, and 140 women (2.5% of the sample) were victims of incapacitated sexual assault both before and since entering college (data not shown)." - 2.5% have suffered incapacitated rape, and 1.4% was under duress. The rest, meaning 96.1% is garbage.

I never said he's a shit human, or anything. I talked about the post, you brought him in. And the post is garbage, regardless of other attributes of its poster.

And feminism has nothing to do with equality and lack of discrimination. That has already been illegal everywhere in the western world for decades at least.

I'll look further into it later but "I'm fairly sure you aren't concerned with my opinion or anyones opinion other than your own. You think the post is garbage and you have issues with male feminists. Point made. As for the data being untrue I'me still looking for your counter data other than misquoting the information and assuming you know how to read data better than a gov entity. If you cant beleive that women are still treated unfairly and not equally represnted Then im not going to convince you. I gotta go to work.

Last thing-- im not only doing this for western women and neither is Carl. But thats something others will see and you will probably miss. Welcome to the new era of #feminism

pretty awesome stuff here! Thanks yo!

Im Proud of you. :)

Women in Islam are the sisters of men, and the best of the people is best for their family. The Muslim woman in her childhood has the right to breastfeed, care, and charity of education, which is then the eye of the eye, and the fruit of the heart to her parents and brothers. If she grows up, she is the protector of the mukkah, whose guardian is jealous of her and protects her with his care. If she married, that was the word of Allaah, and his great covenant, so that she would be in the house of the husband in the most beloved neighborhood, and forbid Dhamar, and the duty of her husband to honor her, and to do charity to her. And if the mother was righteousness coupled with the right of God - the Almighty - and disobedience and abuse of it coupled with polytheism God, and corruption in the land. And if it is a sister, it is the one who ordered the Muslim to be righteous, to be respectful, and to be jealous of her. If the aunt was like the mother in the land and the link. If she is older or older, her value is increased by her children, grandchildren and all her relatives. And if it is far from the human being is not ruled by a relative or neighbor, he has the right of general Islam to stop harm, blindness and so on. Muslim communities continue to take care of these rights in the right to care, which has made women valuable and non-existent in non-Muslim communities. Furthermore, women in Islam have the right to own property, to rent, to sell, to purchase, to other contracts, and to have the right to learn and to teach in a way that does not violate their religion. Rather, it is knowledge of what is the imposition of a sinful eye that leaves a male or female. Rather, they have what men have, except for what is reserved for them without men, or with respect to the rights and provisions that are appropriate to each other, as detailed in their positions. It is an honor for women to respect their religion, protect their dignity, and protect them from obscene tongues, treacherous eyes, and bare hands. He ordered them to wear veils and cloaks, and to refrain from tafrjj, and to mix with foreign men, and all that leads to their sedition. It is the honor of Islam to her: that the husband's order to spend on it, and Ihsan Maashrtha, and caution against injustice, and abuse. It is also a privilege to allow a couple to separate if they do not have an agreement and can not live a happy life. The husband is permitted to divorce her after all attempts at reform have failed and when their lives become unbearable. It is permissible for a wife to leave the husband if she is unjust to her, bad in her marriage, so she has to break it up with a husband who agrees with the husband, so she pays him some money, or makes up with him for a certain thing and then separates him.

Many thanks for this announcement and reflection of yours. As I am a woman I have my thoughts on that, too. I started last year a weekly gathering on the topic of womanly themes. It was an experiment how much awareness I will produce and what the reactions might be. I don't know yet, whether I'll continue or not. Right now it lays on ice.

I live in a world, where womanly topics - compared to technical and economical publications - are not so much on the agenda of the public broadcasts. They reach of course a lot of awareness where the interfaces between topics like birth giving touch the connected professions and institutions. For the most part, the social work is done by females as they naturally appear to be endowed with social skills that aim at cooperation rather than competition. The ability to communicate in the group is based on the fact that isolation from the group means death. In the context of modern societies this may not be a physical death, but an emotional isolation.

I tend to experience that men with problems tend to deal with them on their own, whereas women do so with their friends or mothers or other women or institutions. They reflect, suffer, laugh and exchange thoughts, almost every opportunity that arises. This is not particularly pronounced among men. The support of other men seems to consist rather in the fact that one supports oneself in business ventures or spends time together in leisure activities. Men like to solve problems before wanting to get in touch with a woman. These are only tendencies and not statements of mine, carved in stone. They are based on the experiences I have had.

With this form of introduction, I would like to encourage you men to promote the potential for cooperation and to unite the existing resources of both genders.

Even more important I find that men look for another form of cooperation and heart-to-heart relationships within their gender.

How much men and women can compete with each other and make women ridiculous, I described on the basis of an experience of mine, when I gave an example of how to enforce one of my concerns. I often find it a hindrance that men focus on the "great questions of humanity", forgetting that they have to solve equally important questions in their everyday lives. This provokes women to attack, which is questionable as well.

So while the man wants to save the whole world, the woman "only" wants to "save" the family or her close ones. I deliberately exaggerate in order to clarify this point.

Thank you for taking a look at this topic and adding this aspect to the huge blockchain content pool.

We all get sick, old and die. We need people who feel safe with these issues and are willing to give us good guidance.

in a world overwhelmingly addicted to sports the bottom line for most men will still be that no matter what women think they can do, men are stronger--so men: you must burn your jocks! nothing to lose but the jock itself.