How to remember how to be good?

in woodpecker •  5 months ago  (edited)

I've been trying to change. To just walk away. Only to learn being a good person is like being a good homemaker. Most people only notice when a house is messed. They recognize a bad homemaker. When everything is in 'order', no one notices. Same is when you are good person. No one notices. People only notice when they get treated bad.

My first instinct was to smack him. To smack him so hard to turn his head 180°. Not physically, obviously. It's not how I play. But he's already been smacked. Too many times. If I've smacked him, he would certainly feel it and know it. But if I didn't, he'd never known. Smacking is not his medicine. But what is?

The real question here, I suppose, is what is it that I want to accomplish with whatever action I take? Cure him? Hurt him? And why? Why bother at all? After all, it is still my life I'm spending.

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