Turning practice. Learning to turn a center spindle for a tea table in poplar.steemCreated with Sketch.

in woodworking •  7 years ago 

It looks great in the photo, but up close it's pretty rough. I still need practice but I am happy with the shape overall.


The real thing will be turned from walnut, if I can find some 12/4.

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Very cool. Followed

Thanks, glad you like it.

I like the shape. You will have a much easier time with walnut. Turning is a skill in its self. How are you finding the new lathe?

Loving it. My son turned some practice pieces too. Normally he thinks whatever I am into is boring.

Good. My sons are a bit young but i am showing them the basics.

Do you put any tutorials up on YouTube?
There is quite the interest there!!

Anyway, thanks for that OCD find...and good luck on STEEMIT!!

Let me know if u need anything!!

I want to find a better option than youtube, but I do plan to post some clips.

I understand that completely on two levels, but on the 3rd...so...

  1. On principal of not helping a centralized conglomerate that uses and abuses ammassed personal info. (Especially as they get political)
  2. As they censure content producers it can be a waste of time or risky..


  1. Being that your channel is DIY... It is very unlikely to ever be censured unless you start making opinion or political pieces... And YT has hands down the biggest audience. It will be years before Dtube or LBRY even come close.

Anyway, just thinking outloud!!

You arent near Michigan are u? I have tons of DIY stuffs that I have gathered...but not done anything with...


Yeah, all of that, plus . . .
Editing video is time I would rather spend in my wood shop. I should just upload raw footage then link it to here and post explanation in text.

No, I am in AZ, but thanks for thinking of me.

Yes, on my YT channel I have done very little editing(just trimming the ends a bit and joining clips in YouTube Capture. I dont have any AMAZING videos...but have a few i am proud of....and have earned 1000+ in 18 months doing it. So...its ok.

Just a simple raw video is fine!

Anyway, also....do what works best for you!!

#woodworking !!!! I would love one of those. You could always try Dtube if you wanted to keep your work on steemit. Keep up the great work.