What is your word worth? That is the question that many people wonder about and then wonder how to put a dollar amount on that word. They come up with various answers such as it's a good thing if you get five A's and below but often times people get more than they bargained for when it comes to money.
In my opinion, what is your word worth is what your customers perceive it to be. What do they need from you? What will you be able to accomplish for them in order for you to accomplish your goals?
If your customer perceives your offer as valuable, then you should be able to accomplish what you have set out to do. The word value of your offer needs to be one that allows you to make a profit. If your customers perceive that it is not a valuable item, then they will not buy it. Your word has to be something that allows you to make a profit for your services or products.
There are many different ways to look at word value. Some people say it is the amount of money that you can potentially earn from the sale of the offer. Other people say that it is the number of people that you can potentially serve with your offer. And then there are those who say that it is the overall impact that it has on the mind of the customer. What is your word worth?
If you are looking to start a home based business or an Internet business, you should definitely take the time to figure out what your word price is. This will help you determine whether or not you are profiting from each sale that you make as well as helping you determine whether or not the money that you are spending is really worthwhile. There is no better time than now to figure this out because there is so much hype out there about making money on the Internet and so much misinformation.
There are so many websites offering "how to get rich quick" schemes, but none of them ever tell you what your word value is. How do you know if what you have to offer is something that people will actually want to pay for? You must be clear about your market and what your customers expect before you attempt to market to them. This is the only way that you will know what your word is worth and how you can leverage it to bring in the customers.