Not all boys grow up to be men.

in wordporn •  7 years ago  (edited)


"Real man" is an overused expression describing something that now days doesn't even step up to it's true meaning anymore. Some straight men act all gay trying to look aristocrat and blame the new generations for their lack of love and sex in their meaningless life, others fight day and night for their families and all they want to hear when they go home is a genuine "I love you, daddy!"

Man in general is a predator that goes straight for what he craves for. 

This is why sluts jump on your wallet, while bad girls go for your heart. There is no strategy in play, some people are greedy for cash, others will carve your heart out because they lost theirs long ago.

This is why you are doomed to never forget the bitch that climb inside your rib cage and tore it apart. Because she took everything you were holding most dear. She took that no good piece of meat that made you take all the bad decisions that led you in her grasp, in the first place.

And all this is your fucking fault, dumb ass. You've fallen all your life for whores, and you've treated real ladies like some cheap escorts. This is how you ended up hating all good women, and marrying the first slut who clenched her legs behind your back. And you've stopped respecting her as well. Because she looks at you like at this rapist when you grab her thin thighs with your hardened hands.

And you probably deserve all that's coming for you. You'll deserve every "I live you!" she'll give you right after she fucked another random guy who gave her just the right amount of attention. You'll deserve to hear all the gossip about that slutty teenage girl of yours that takes it so much after her mother.

No woman is born a whore. They are molded into one in the wrong hands of some mental impotent asshole.

Love your woman. Not for the perfect goddess she is. Love her for the mother, daughter, or girlfriend that has been through a lot of shit and still finds the strength to shine like a diamond.

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