UNSCRUPULOUS – a forgotten word?steemCreated with Sketch.

in words •  7 years ago 


I thought of this word the other day when I was doing a crossword. I realised I hadn’t heard it much of late, although there are plenty of unscrupulous people about! I remember my mother saying “they have no scruples” and understood what she meant.
Unscrupulous means, those without scruples, it’s that simple. My Roget’s labels the word under an adjective; dishonest, not on the level but also goes on to say such words as; slippery, cunning, shifty and so on. Let’s stick with unscrupulous.

I firmly believe that the word shame has also left our modern vocabulary and if there was shame then people wouldn’t behave quite so recklessly. Being unscrupulous means you have no moral compass to guide you, it means you lack any real empathy for your fellow human beings and you think only of yourself.

So perhaps unscrupulous people are also selfish people. What makes people unscrupulous is hard to imagine if you don’t have that same selfish view of the world. Selfish people don’t understand what community means, they don’t think of others unless it is to enhance their own gain.

I like to think that Steemians are, in the main, an unselfish lot. Just by reading random posts you can see at a glance that they care about others, when they address us as ‘fellow Steemians’ they mean it. They community and how it works. It works by thinking of others.

The difference is that because Steemians are anonymous, there is nothing gained from being mean or spiteful or behaving badly. Steemians have got that. It’s a good feeling. Being good to others is rewarding and by building on this we can really improve how we do things outside of this community. Because a community it is.

Happy Steeming!

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I like the word "unscrupulous." It is redolent of musty books with dog-eared corners, from a world of old-fashioned values where consequences were more immediate. Karma fits modern day behaviour. Eventually, the person who acts without consideration for the feelings of others gets to experience those feelings too. The Karma dealt by life is felt the keener than that meted out by a societal sanction, because hopefully, the subject recognises why the brunt of natural retribution has befallen them. The notion that we can have whatever we want, and if we are unhappy it is our own fault, is more prevalent now - propagated by media saturation which promotes happiness as the default state, instead of a product of the natural ebb and flow of life.

Katyclark I'm glad you like the word and even better, understand it! I didn't doubt for a minute that you would. All that you say is relevant and true. However, I have actually lived with someone who had no ethics and no real principles either. It took me a while to discover it and I was shocked. However, that is the past and now I am with someone who wouldn';t know how to tell a lie! he'd certainly never remember it anyway! I believe in people but never forget the fact that not everyone has a conscience!

You only got duped because you had higher expectations of the person :) and if loyalty wasn't important to you, you wouldn't have hung around, hoping they'd improve :)

You're much wiser than I am but so right! I feel better for reading that thank you.

You're very sweet. But I, like you, learnt from experience. And I'm still making mistakes, so I'll keep learning :)

But we're god people right?? Have a good day, or night!

I meant good people but it will do anyway!

I try to be a good person :)

its a word that is rarely used and it meaning seem to have been lost from our mouths and hearts cause of the way we treat each other and the way we handle the resources around us

So true. Let's hope for a better future without dictators or autocrats! Happy Steeming!

its a word that is rarely used and it meaning seem to have been lost from our mouths and hearts cause of the way we treat each other and the way we handle the resources around us