I dont wanna talk

Today we have the word loquacious, which according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy comes from the Latin loquacious, "acis", is an adjective that means that one speaks a lot or too much and has another curious meaning, it is also an adjective in Mexico that is is attributed to him, that I know adds to the word crazy, that is, people who have lost their reason.

It seemed to me a rather strange word, I would say, or maybe it's my impressions, this is a word that is used to describe people who talk too much and this is something very particular because here I have several things to say, (at least a couple of things), I have found myself on many occasions seeing how the best example of a person who talks a lot is a politician, who sits down to give speeches for hours and hours, and hours, and in the end they end up without say nothing, that is, they talk a lot and don't say anything, an example of someone who is not a politician, but who really represents what a very loquacious person is, is the character of Mario Moreno Cantinflas, he is a person who says a lot of things on a subject, he is capable of talking about anything and in the end he is not telling you anything, in this sense Mario Moreno has the same characteristics as the late former president Hugo Chávez who talked a lot and said nothing, and that is one of the characteristics of these types of people, who, let's say, seduce people, or persuade people.
It can sometimes happen that the person is talking too much and this causes other people to lose interest, it has happened to me when I am in a meeting those people who always believe they are the life of the party or who want to believe they are the life of the party, and they begin to talk and above all they talk about a subject that I do not know or that It seems boring to me because simply, I particularly lose interest, I get bored and it has even happened to me on one occasion that I have even fallen asleep, a special mention goes to people who are very loquacious and who talk a lot to try to deceive or convince others to do something, many of these cases are interesting because they are scammers. To cite a case of a fictional character, I want to name the character of Saul Goodman the lawyer in the series "Better Call Saul", who is a character who was in charge of scamming people. In one of the chapters, he appears with a friend who helps him deceive people, selling him supposed watches and supposedly valuable things, coins that are rare and, in reality, it is a hoax.
So Saul is the typical representation of someone who is very talkative.
These talkative people may also be because they are people who have psychological problems, are narcissistic and love, are fascinated by, talking about themselves and for this reason have this condition of being loquacious, they need to be the center of attention.
This is definitely a word that has many edges and has many meanings, another interesting word that we come across today.
And have you met very talkative people or are you very talkative?
Let me know in the comments.