Today I come to talk about a very interesting word, and this word is serendipity.
It is a word that at first I did not know and many years ago a friend of mine named Daniel introduced me to it, in those days when we used to sit down to play role-playing games, in a club that was in the eastern part of the city. city, there I met a word that he used to identify himself and that represented a kind of club or clan that he had with several friends, it was like a code word that they used and that word was serendipity.
The first time he explained to me what it meant, I really didn't quite understand what it was about, he told me something like that it was something that happened because it had to happen. If we review the meaning of serendipity that we find in Wikipedia it tells us that: "a serendipity is a lucky discovery or finding, valuable, unexpected that occurs accidentally, casually or when looking for something different", also here on Wikipedia they tell us that serendipity can be found frequently in the history of science and they give us a series of references quite interesting. I want to refer to the meaning or where this word comes from, this word was coined by Horace Walpole In 1754 through the tale of him called the Three Princes of Serendipity.
This story talked about the princes of the island Serendip, which was the name, the old name of Sri Lanka and this story talked about how these princes solved all their problems through these coincidences, from there then comes the term serendipity. If we start to analyze serendipity, it is a word that invites us to always leave our comfort zone, to explore, to try new things, new ideas and to take risks, and if there are no opportunities, to learn to create them, this to me is what serendipity represents and means. So it is a word that is really very attractive and interesting because it invites us to discover something interesting and important in an unexpected way or by chance, by chance and obviously you have to have a very open mind and a great desire to experiment, to be curious to having that worm, that need to learn, to be curious and to investigate, to have more knowledge, to learn and I think that is part of the spark that life gives us.
That is the word I wanted to share with you today: serendipity.
Tell me: have you ever experienced or had any kind of serendipity?