Golden words by Gopal Prabhu

in words •  8 years ago 

Some people are so absolute poor that all the time they have is money.

If you want to know how rich you are then count all those things you have that money can't buy.

Don't keep the remote control of your emotions to someone else that man by pressing a button on remote control and making me feel trashed. I depend upon you to say that your talk was great and feel good and I depend upon you to say that my talk was bad and I feel trashed it mean i have given the remote control to you.

We have to take the control of our feelings in our own hand

I will not allow any gambled person under the sun to make me good or bad by what he saying, if they say good fine that's good appreciation is nice, i am happy with it and if they trashed me, fine it's their opinion, it's their way of thinking.

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