in work •  7 years ago 


The importance of an organized workspace cannot be over-emphasized and should not be taken lightly. People invest a lot of time and money into their working environment because of the inspiration, motivation, comfort, etc. they draw out of it.

A comfortable workspace makes your enjoy your work and deliver more over time with less to worry about. A neat and well-arranged workspace keeps your thoughts organized; with all your working equipment in their right locations, you don’t have to worry about where you left a particular item thus increasing your efficiency. You also avoid the temptation to leave your work to arrange things. An un-organized workspace displaces your thoughts and you spend more time and achieve less.

The quality of the environment you dwell shapes your thoughts and hence determines the quality of results you produce. Invest in your space; buy good and quality furniture, fast-computers, good pens, files and any other thing that can keep your work space organized and appealing to you and others.

Stay tuned for my next post.

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I am definitely staying tuned in to your posts, I need some tips on organizing so I'm happy to have found this tonight thanks @cookeys-world

You're welcome @charisma777. We'll make it happen