Bounty program for Nxt / Ardor Guides and FAQ's

in work •  9 years ago 

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Ladies/gentlemen/cthulhoid spawn of the Nxt/Ardor community:

As you may have seen, we've been making some moves with marketing for Nxt over the last few weeks, and things are going pretty a next step the Nxt Foundation is here to announce the 1st phase of the Nxt/Ardor Bounty Campaign. This will be the first step in professionalising and improving our marketing materials and creating real, accessible resources for the community to use and grow with.

First thing we need to do: we need people to write the folllowing 5 articles/guides that need to be created or improved:

  1. A technical FAQ for the Nxt client software, the NRS. All the things that can go wrong, and how to fix them.
    We have well over 100 support calls booked on the helpdesk, with their solutions, so that will provide a starting point:
    I'll be getting a dump of the helpdesk questions soon, so in theory this FAQ will really only need editing and organising.

  2. A Layman's guide to both Nxt and Ardor. This should include basic information about both systems, and FAQs like: how does snapshotting work.
    Lots of basic information, together with a few FAQs, this piece will need to be written from the ground up, though we do have quite a lot of information lying around in various places.

Lastly, a long time ago I created a set of starters guides to Nxt installation and using the NRS client. They were written for NRS 1.7.4, but we need them to be updated to 1.9.2.
All available from:
These guides need to be updated and improved, or even completely replaced, if you're feeling ambitious.




So, if you're ready to earn some NXT and contribute to the community let me know....... 8)
There will be a bounty of around 5000 NXT per article or guide, get in touch with Dave Pearce first if you'd like to work on any of these. You can reach him on his forum profile or via email [email protected].

We will be announcing more bounties for articles and content over the next months, so if anyone is looking for regular writing work in exchange for NXT bounties....come on down!

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