Daily Boosters: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

in work •  7 years ago 

How are your personal insecurities keeping you from achieving Synergy with others?

Habit 6: Synergize

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It's me again :)
Just curious. Why don't you upvote your own posts?
Your voting power is always constantly at 100%

Hi thx. I accidentally uncheck the box.

Haha ok.
Suggestion. Would you like to help out fellow #teamsingapore members? Maybe you can use a curation trail to follow me? I always upvote every posts in #teamsingapore. When I upvote, you automatically upvote too.

  1. I don't stand to gain anything. Zero. Just helping out fellow members
  2. You earn curation rewards by auto upvoting their posts.
  3. So that your voting power don't go to waste, as it is always at 100%