The Lord Jesus Christ is the finished work of God. In Christ, God has brought restoration, redemption, eternal life, justification, deliverance, prosperity and grace upon everyone that believe. The Jews, being used to working for God, asked for a way to work for God in the new covenant. They were used to sweating for God, but in Christ, God has finished every work, HALLELUJAH!
Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. John6:28 -29
Brethren, believing in Christ is the only work of God in the new testament. Just believe!
He that believes in He that has done the work is considered qualified to receive the prizes both now and in eternity. Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe in His finished work on the cross? It's the believe in Christ that propel us to serve Him daily. Services to God in our church gatherings is not work. This is true because if we don't serve, the church will still match forward. Today, make a decision to be a believer indeed. Let there be a personal conviction in your heart that Jesus is the Lord of your life.
Let's pray.
Heavenly Father thank you for your finished work in Christ Jesus. Today, we come believing. Overwhelm us with your presence, take us to higher understanding of your word, in Jesus name. Amen.