The Pros and Cons of a Work from Home Job (as i see them) Along with a few Tips for Telemarketers

in work •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hello, my Steemian friends! Were you thinking of getting a work from home job? I work for a large telemarketing company. It is my job to help people look for employment and if they are willing, help you with their educational goals as well. To make my base pay, I have to work for at least 36 hours a week. If I do not make at least 36 hours a week, I am bumped down to minimum wage. There are a lot of other requirements that I have to keep up with, just to keep my job, none of them are easy. At least, they aren't for me.

1. My top priority, don't piss anyone off. You wouldn't think so but this is one of the hardest parts of my job. The company I work for takes customer satisfaction very seriously. If you say the wrong thing and they call back, you are going to have a bad day. It is very important that you are polite and calm with your customers, even if they are not being very polite to you. If they are freaking out about something, it could benefit you to calm them down and get them back into an, at least somewhat, good mood. Now sometimes, not very often for me, you will get a human that makes you want to scream and cuss, maybe even cry. It is best to ignore those feelings and courtesy close them. You could say something like, 'I am sorry I couldn't assist you today. Please call back if you need help with anything else.'


2. Quality Assurance, assures the quality of your calls. All of the calls I make/receive are recorded, 'for quality and training purposes.' So, the Q.A. team listens to two of my calls a day. I know, you are like, 'That is nothing!' It totally is though, the Q.A. team is very well-trained and they just so happen to pick your worst calls as often as they can. Quality Assurance looks for several things. They want you to be alert and attentive, do not sound sleepy or uninterested. Do not get frustrated. You are supposed to be helpful, in my case, some of these people have looked for work for weeks or months. I know it can be hard but think of yourself in their shoes. You have to work every call and keep to your script.

3. Your script, make sure you stick to it. They wrote it that way for a reason, it works. You have to pay attention. I can not tell you how many times I have gotten distracted playing with my pets or cleaning and have repeated myself or lost track of where I was. Just pay attention, you are getting paid for it, you might as well try. Don't get to chatty with people, keep to the basics and if the customer gets sidetracked bring them back to focus as quickly as possible. Did they say no to whatever you are trying to sell? That is fine, there is almost always a rebuttal for that. Memorize it! Memorize the script and the rebuttals. If they have an issue, you better have an instant answer for that. The most important part of the script? Confidence and positivity, did you stutter or say the wrong thing? Fix your mistake as well as you can and continue like nothing happened. If you sound confident and happy, they will have confidence in you and it will put them in a better mood as well.

Now, those are the things I need to do to keep my job. Just so you know, it is the most boring thing ever. You are literally repeating yourself for 7-8 hours a day, with slight variation. You need to find a way to make it into a game or get yourself really hyped up before you start for the day. I honestly got bored with it... and am now suspended from work for three days because I sounded, 'tired and inattentive'. Yes, that is the reason I am writing this. I am hoping to bring myself back to attention by pointing out my faults. Hopefully I can help others?

So, I have told you the serious parts of my job and what to keep up with. There are totally positives though! I take my pupper for a walk every day at lunch and because I am already home, he gets a second one right after. I get to cuddle with both pets all day. My meals are healthier, I have no reason to go out for junk food. I do get quite a bit of cleaning done in between calls and downtime. The more I get done during work hours the more time I have after. Working from home gives me the opportunity to live anywhere I want which is very helpful, being that I move a lot and do not operate a vehicle. I guess you would just have to try it out for yourself. I think that is all of the information I have for you today. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors and you have a great day!

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and am now suspended from work for three days because I sounded 'tired and inattentive.'

Even though you may have sounded tired and inattentive, I struggle to find how you could make that job any less tiring. Its not you as a person but the line of work that you are in - Do you enjoy doing what you do?

Telemarketing intrigues me because it seems like such a boring and tedious job.

I used to enjoy it and sometimes it can still be fun. Telemarketing is horribly repetitive and tedious, it is all about getting yourself focused and motivated. If I can wake up early, turn on some bouncy music and get myself in a good mood, my calls will go a lot better than when I just roll out of bed and hop on. I don't think I actually enjoy the job itself anymore, I do like my coworkers and manager though. It helps a lot when you have people to relate with.