Do something

in work •  7 years ago 

If you didn't see the video Casey Neistat uploaded on his channel (if you didn't because you're not subscribed to him, well, you should be), he basically talks about what he's gonna do in the future and what type of content we can expect from now on.

You can see his video here:

Now, one of the things that I always admired about Casey and I still try to implement into my life, is that if he wants something, if he has an idea and if he wants to create a certain type of content, he just does something about it.

He doesn't think about his idea to a point where it becomes impossible to do, he doesn't procrastinate and he doesn't leave things unfinished, at least not something he wants to share on his YouTube channel.

He just does a bunch of things no matter how much effort it takes. In the video above, he talks about how he purchased the space his company used to be in (Beme), and how he's gonna transform it into a studio where he's gonna work on his new videos and where he'll invite other creators to... well, work with him I guess, he didn't really give a lot of details.

But you get the point. He had an idea, he wants to do something on his channel, he wants to create and share content, so he made an effort, invested his time, effort and in this case, money, into something he needed and now he's ready for work.

I strongly believe more people should learn how to do just that. We all have ideas, we all want to do something and most of us actually have everything we need, but we just don't do things.

We like to spend our days focusing on all kind of activities that make us think we're actually doing something, when we're not. If we want to write something for Steemit but instead we invest a few hours into reading articles and then we come up with an excuse like "Well, I needed to learn something before actually writing", that doesn't mean you made progress.

It means you had an idea, you procrastinated, you did something else instead that was a lot easier and then you came up with a reason for why you didn't do what you were supposed to just to make yourself feel better.

So, take an example from Casey and learn how to do something about the things you're interested in. Take action as soon as possible and achieve your goals. There's nothing to lose, and a lot to gain.

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It's true. You can talk hours about many things but once you actually start doing them - something inside of you comes alive.
Do what you love by loving what you do!

Exactly my point :)