Work - Socially Accepted Slavery

in work •  3 years ago 

Tripalium - the latin root of the word work means instrument of torture. If this doesn't speak for itself, I don't know what does...


Time Isn't Money -Time Is Slavery

We take much pride in being full time slaves! We wear it like a badge of honour! Look at me, I’ve been a slave for longer than you have! Look at me, I give more time away to slavery than you do! The comparison game has taken such an odd turn and I’m here to call it for what it is - pure fuckery. #GottaLoveBeingCapitalismsLittleBitch

Most see work as being a natural state of affairs. So natural, mind you, that millions of people in the world deal with chronic stress, failing mental health and burn themselves out all because of this so called natural activity named work. So natural, mind you again, that it drives some to take their own lives because they have reached the end of the fucking working rope.

Gotta live that “purpose driven” existence right? So over this overused word. But beware, your purpose can only be one that is found in the working sphere. What are you waiting for? Work on finding it! Like it is with any type of slavery, there’s no escape route, no exit, no way out. If you don’t want to participate in the work force, (or in other words - be a slave) you will be left to the streets. If we can't use you, we'll discard you.

The Meaninglessness Of It All

Same shit, different day. Rinse and repeat. Going through the motions to make a living to consume it all away. Giving the almost entirety of our time to a working place that could give two less fucks about our mental health. And to the little remaining of time that we have left for ourselves, we try to make it make sense. But it doesn't. And it never will.

Working To Live - Or Living To Work?

Sleep is for the weak, lazyness is the new sin. Work is my whole life, I'd be nothing without it! No wonder so many of us tie our whole sense of self to our jobs. Because we don't live in a society that values working to heal ourselves, working to form loving long lasting relationships, working to develop our true passions.

We live in a society that has as its only aim to exploit the living shit out of us to keep the capitalist system rolling. Forced at a young age to pick a potential field of work and convince ourselves so hard we're in love with it. We're working to ensure our survival meanwhile ensuring the survival of the very system that keeps us trapped in this toxic way of life.

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So with a nike deal for shoes would you say lebron is a modern day slave owner. Since Nike makes their stuff in china, on forced labor