Sold all my crypto to start a lawn company.

in work •  5 years ago 

So as many you know that actually read my post I'm been going through it last year. Good job to no job to better job to being homeless. Okay let's cut to the present time. So I relocated and for the past few weeks I have been collecting unemployment. I was able to save about 100 a week which I used to but wink. I sold all my wink for btc then sold it all at 10500. So I had about 700 cash. I used that to buy a mower, weed eater string gas blower all that good stuff. Check out the hustle though. So first week I borrowed people cars and trucks and used my unemployment check to gas up and kick them something. So I took that right then rented a truck and hired my son to help. With GODS help I was able to aquire a decent amount of jobs. I also got a part time job a taco Bell to supplement what I'm not getting from unemployment anymore. Let's get to it 2020 looking real good.

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Love the fact you are hanging in and doing your thing ! You will get there I am sure !!

Thanks I appreciate it

Posted using Partiko Android