I want to work for myself

in workformyself •  9 months ago 

After thinking alone, I feel like I want to work for myself, not for some corporation or some boss. I want to work when I want to, where I want to and how I want to.

But to do that I have to escape the rat race. To get the freedom I need to work for myself.

I want to contribute to open source, earning money on the way to sustain myself. I have tried to create a github sponsor account years ago but till now I have no sponsors. This one ended up in failure. I have only myself to blame for not having the time and commitment to push through until I got 1 sponsor. I have a job and other commitments so I only have weekends and after office hours to spare.

I also want to make video games too. I have created an itch.io account and have released some games, mainly to show my learning progress. I have 1 follower, which is encouraging. However, I am not making money from it. As I make games, I quickly realize that I have to wear many hats. I only have experience in programming. I lack the skills of an artist, 3D modeller, a story teller and AI. It is a whole other beast to conquer.

I have also tried to use my income for investments, but the amount I have invested thus far is still insufficient to buy time. Time that I can use to reinvest into open source and making video games. At least I am still receiving some side income.

And I have this blog, as of now I am writing down my thoughts and haven't converged to a theme yet. I am trying to build an audience for this blog. I have also started another blog as an experiment to see if I can get any traffic. To earn additional income, I have also signed up for Amazon affiliate to promote products based on the theme of my blog.

Its frustrating that I am not making progress in earning the additional income, but I have to keep trying. I do not known how many failures more I need to achieve my first success. I have to keep trying, hustle my way out of my job.

Once I am out of my job, I will have many options. I can continue blogging like what I am doing now. I can do freelance from time to time. I can focus on open source to get sponsorships on github. I can make games and earn money from it. I can even learn new skills like drawing, 3D modelling, animation, story telling for making games.

But first I have to work my way out of my job, to get the time and money I need these hustles.

So I want to make working for myself as a goal to achieve. I do not know how long it takes. I do not know how and what to do to make me work for myself. I just have to plunge myself into this unknown and work my way to the goal. My only plan now is to build an audience find out how to leverage that audience.

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