in workfromhome •  8 years ago 

Dale Mayo is Amazing, He shared his testimonial with thousands of people in Vegas last week in hopes to help Change a Life............

"I used to suffer from chronic joint pain it was so bad that getting out of bed of a morning was my biggest struggle. I would sit on side of the bed and try to get myself motivated just to stand up!!

My pain was so bad that I would stand up and stretch my hips, knees and ankles before I took a step. Then while standing there I would say to myself " this is going to hurt". Then I would slowly take a couple of steps. So I know what pain is.

When my wife got involved with Plexus she told me she wanted me to try this product called Ease to see if it would help my pain.

See, I have tried just about every joint pain supplement over the counter. I was eating 2 Aleve a day just to knock the edge off of the pain. And being a weekend warrior softball player just made my pain worse in the weekends.

So I started taking 2 Ease capsules 3 times a day on a Monday. Thursday morning when I woke up I got right out of bed and took about 5 steps and realized my pain was gone!!!

If you or anyone you know suffer from chronic joint pain YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS IT WORKS!!!"

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