Working From Home : Here’s How You Can Create Your Perfect Workspace

in workfromhome •  2 years ago  (edited)

Make the best of work-from-home life!

Young professionals everywhere are taking advantage of the work-from-home lifestyle to have more control over their time. If you so happen to be one, then you probably already know the absolute joy of getting to skip the hours-long commute to get to your work station, only to be arriving stressed and feeling tired already because of the time to travel to your work and of course, the traffic.

But working from home is more than being able to use your laptop for both Netflix and spreadsheets. You need to be able to design your home space in your condo in Taguig to integrate a healthy separation between work and leisure. This allows you to remain focused on your work during the day and to be able to take time away from it after hours.

So, let’s get to creating your simple work space at home! This guide will focus on the essentials: lighting, arrangement, tools, and basic ergonomics.

  1. Picking the perfect spot when you work from home

Picking the perfect spot when you work from home

Firstly, you’re going to have to pick a spot in your condo in Taguig. Some people may decide that the most isolated corner of their living room would be ideal to minimize distraction, but we would suggest otherwise. Pick a spot that’s well-endowed with natural lighting and if possible, a view of some greenery. Even the most productive number-crunchers need to look at something other than a computer screen from time to time, and a view of the sky or trees will prove kind to your mind.

It’s good to know when you are going to need a larger space to meet with more than a few clients. Quiet locations like your nearest Coffee Project are excellent meeting places to keep in mind. Its important the space that you will pick as your home workspace in your condo in Taguig is a place where you can focus and do the tasks at hand.

  1. Lighting, lighting, lighting

Lighting lighting lighting

Choose quality ambient lighting for your desk and work space. Warm, yellow-tinted light is more comfortable to human eyes over long periods of time. Be careful not to keep your lighting too dim at night or on overcast days, as this can stunt your motivation levels. Remember, one key element of designing a good work space is fighting the urge to lie down — or in other words, to give up on work entirely!

Having the perfect lighting when you work in the day or even in the late hours of night in your condo in Taguig is key to having a productive working output even without the traditional office work set up.

  1. Optimizing your workstation

It is absolutely essential that you get a good task chair for your desk. You can find several options at your nearest AllHome, so make sure to select a chair that offers excellent back and spine support. You’ll thank yourself for doing this; using a hard dining chair will only promote bad posture, which not only leaves you fatigued at the end of your day, but could have detrimental health effects in the long run.

Optimizing your workstation

Alternatively, opt for a standing desk to combat the adverse effects of prolonged sitting. You can use an online workspace planner to optimize the measurements of your workplace in either case.

Checking online for trendy and helpful home office equipment like laptop tables, phone holders, and planners a good way to make your working hours at home in you condo in Taguig more organized, and more organized means better work output. Now, who wouldn’t want that right?

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