When we speak🗣️ of governance tokens, we simply mean token holders can vote on where the blockchain⛓ project should go in the future. Decentralizing decision-making 💭 is the primary function of governance tokens, which allow holders to influence how projects are run.
Owners of governance tokens 🪙 usually have a bigger stake in the project's success, since they stand to gain or lose more based on the outcome. With tokens, members of the community 👫 can directly influence a blockchain protocol's direction and features.
The user interface can be changed, fees 💴 and rewards 💳 can be voted 🗳 on, and even the underlying code of the project can be changed. Each project has its own token rules and governance.
Distribution is based on a variety of calculation 🧮 methods and involves stakeholders such as the founding team, investors, and users. Governance tokens can vote on everything from development updates to smart contract revisions, depending on what they are designed to do. The ability to generate financial returns💶 is available with some governance tokens, but it is not available with others.
The outlined features are what WQT embodies. For the sake of familiarity, we highlight what that is. WorkQuest Token(WQT) is a governance token that functions within the DAO aspect of WorkQuest. It is used in WorkQuest DAO management. ie. The more tokens🪙 you hold, the more power🔋 you wield in decision-making. 👥 WorkQuest seeks to build a formidable ecosystem with a robust community. Don't miss out on WorkQuest, your premium job placement platform.