in world-view •  8 years ago 

Do you blame these kids for feeling the ways that they do, when all they are seems so guided - right, while everything to them feels wrong.  They give you all these one line wonders to help a person feel better who isn't going to be bought and sold the ways that other people are.  It's because I've realize that people aren't supposed to be so bought and sold, and sold out as they are.  I understand having the need for - or the want for things in your life, but you ought to know that the people are tired and fed up of this lie for freedoms as if there aren't some real hidden things going on in your world-view to make people certain that their cops, their system, and the people that are supposed to protect our rights, are actually the ones breaking us from ever standing on our rights at all.

Live a lie, dream a lie, be a lie and go to work for another lie.  And as long as you're not doing anything for the truth - they're good with it - you're good with it - and everyone suffers the consequences of whatever beautiful life that could have been without all of these world crimes against humans - and being taken in such a way where money doesn't even matter - it's the truth that hurts these people and it's discovering their crimes that have been taken against us from being able to thrive from the beginning of time - or from the beginning of your lives.  These kids are saying on the walls with pain that their dreams are never going to come.  Their lives are never going to feel good enough.  Don't stop reading this now...  we can change our world together and create new incomes, with new money, and new abilities to create it with things we already know how to use.

This is why I support people to scream their dreams online, because it's as if the world is wishing to take away your opportunities in life - and get you to trade your dreams for these fake realities - when that's all that they are.  FAKE!

Life didn't ever have to be so hard for these people, and life wasn't always stealing the futures away from these kids before these kids were born.  Something tells me that there is always more to this story then meets the eye.

 Don’t let them take away your hearts passions like that!  In fact, I want you to get up and chew on this world a bit, so that you can spit that shit back at ‘em.  (Just food for thought.)  You know – the kind of guff you’re getting for wanting to help yourselves out and help your human family as best as you can and you aren’t being allowed to do so…  you know – THOSE DREAMS!

All that I want to do here is Scream Dreams.  Not just for myself, but to help get everyone else motivated into their dreams and to never give up – to where we are all supposed to be able to live decent lives here on earth and have real smiles on our faces.  Maybe we’re even supposed to really get to enjoy life, and get to enjoy our time here together in a more beautiful way then has ever been done before.  I wonder if anyone else ever thinks of ways we can make that kind of life really come to reality, instead of just thinking about it, or instead of wishing.

Why do we have to wish for things instead of make the things we wish for reachable? What would it take to get this life off the wheels and the gears of the machine that is just breaking people down so bad, and making sure that they have a frown in replace of their best and most genuine smiles?  Why isn’t life as amazing as it sounds?

What can we do together to make that happen?  Make the thing in your heart come to life?  Make that reality?  Make that dream of yours make you shed some happy-tears?  Just, tell me – what would it take? 

I’ve always been an online guru as they say.  Screw it, I’m a geek if you see it in those regards.  But as a child my passion was that I wanted to help other people and I wanted to be a drummer in a rock and roll band.  So, I began my adventure as a young kid, playing the drums as much as I could with people yelling and screaming at me for doing it.  I practiced and practiced.  And, as they say practice makes perfect.  There is always room for improvement – so as I played and the more I played I progressed and played better and better. 

Just as drumming felt blissful to me, so was writing.  Writing to me felt natural.  I could write better then I speak and when I write I could speak better then before.  My own abilities wouldn’t stagger me anymore when I had the attitude that I needed to succeed.  And when my actions and behaviors started to improve, my writing began to improve and so did my life.

I’m just another ordinary guy who likes to enjoy my  life to the fullest.  I love to travel and meet new faces and share stories and visions.  I honestly miss being able to feel free enough to chill out in the open doors with a few close friends and just relax.  To me, I call it dreaming – or, daydreaming.  I believe that daydreaming is essential to your success, because without knowing the difference – how will you tell when you’ve become successful?  Will you get to enjoy it long enough to feel welcomed into your success?  Will you get to stare at it long enough to feel as if it’s not going anywhere?  Or will success feel more like battling an up-hill battle both ways because of other strenuous circumstances?  Either way, success can sometimes be painful, but sometimes success can be beautiful.  Sometimes success is making a million dollars, and sometimes success is making sure more people don’t die in wars… sometimes, success for some is easy to define, but sometimes for some of us, success I think has been used as a weapon by some people to make sure that other people are down, so success is not the material possessions we have, nor is it if we make it to 23 or 103.  Success is a frame of mind, and to be successful is being able to think clearly and see to it that you are successful in your attempt at reaching your goals.  Success is nothing more then whatever that goal or dream is, that you wish to accomplish, and reaching that goal or that place or frame of mind.  This world doesn’t want you to have that frame of mind or be able to get to it – so I say, attack it!  Don’t allow these people to steal away your dreams.  Go after them for yourselves!  It’ll be worth it to you one day that you said yes to your dreams and more importantly, YES, to yourselves!

I have a ton of passions that know other people share; because I’ve been willing to listen to a lot of peoples’ passions in life and incorporate other people into my own dreams.  I’m passionate about art, music, writing and so much more.  Most of all I’m passionate about people.  People are who I’m dedicated to… it’s not money; it’s not greed, and certainly is not what people think success is these days because success these days is as plastic and fake as their idea of creative.  Success is like smelling a new box of crayons as a kid, because you know you’re about to color the hell out of something soon.  Success is not making money off of other peoples suffering; like for much of my life – I feel I’ve been psychologically been being programmed into the nature of not giving a shit about other peoples feelings, when in truth – I do.  But, through the nuts and bolts of all peoples abuses and lack of heart I’ve only learned one thing, and that is to care more, and to prove to people that there are still people evidently out here working on helping make mankind more free and expose people to more ways to create a passive income from home, or from wherever.

When I’m not on the computer I like to be out taking photography or traveling to enjoy someplace new. I like most activities outdoors and would love to drive my own Ferrari one day and have a huge house.  For now, I just try to help as many people as possible – because people are worth more to me then those things would be without them.  Just remember, that with your voices – you can make a better world come to life.  Use your voices, and scream your dreams on Steem with me.  Let’s build an amazing experience online and TOGETHER is truthfully the only way that we will.

Please share my story so that we can grow together better then this world has ever given us a chance at.  I believe if we take a crack at it – we’re going to change this world, and change a lot of peoples lives for the better.  Are you with me?
Dream Steem.  If you can steem it, you can make it come to life.

My steem today is about liberating every human being from the 9-6 lifestyle and giving up their dead-end pay-check to pay-check jobs and serving themselves to get a real break.

<h2>Forewarning:  This is gets interesting!</h2>

Welcome to Steeming with Dreams – A community of engaged bloggers who are potentially known as “Steemers!”  Theses are people engaged with other people with similar interests who are living the internet lifestyle or who are currently moving in that direction.

All from blogging with Steemers like myself you will find: Practical Tips to raise & earn money from your blog, plus some free time to show some of your artwork or photo’s as well. Basic & advanced money making tips, techniques and training material, A community of like-minded bloggers who like to hang out on social media and all help each other grow into better entrepreneurs, business people and more importantly friends. You will get online marketing tips from other entrepreneurs and learn more about start-ups & business tips. The site is not limited to only one topic, the idea here is so that people who are naturally censored from other websites can make sure that there information is never censored and will always be public.  Steem is appropriate for everyone, because there is only availability in Steem to earn more, and be able to grow with like-minded people from all over the world. In Steem you’ll find a complete “how to” from people all over the platform of marketing material to help you increase traffic, sales & brand value. You’ll learn that your voice is worth something, and that something is worth sharing.  (Or well, hopefully!)

With blogging, even certain domains are now worth a lot of money, but more importantly then a lot of money, they made a lot of people – a lot of real friends and community.  Sometimes, it’s not always easy asking someone for help, and not everyone has a friend they can even ask, so it’s good to think up ways where everyone getting involved can take a chunk of the pie home at the end of the days work – of a thing itself.

People are sick and tired of people getting ripped off and earning value where it is wrong there are people that are set out to put an end to that.  You can now do that, and it’s not that hard to do!  From something that you imagine one day, can turn out to be one of the biggest life changing experiences that you’ll ever have.  In the last so many years, making money online by helping people to grow a community of like-minded people who all have a story to share is a great way to grow with your world, and an even greater affect that can take place in your bank accounts as well.

Again, this is not about money though, this is about helping people and helping people to realize that every single living person today could live financially free and independent.    

 Think about having close to a million subscribers, or over a million.  Think about the positive impact that you can have on your world and the people around you, right from your finger-tips and right at the palm of your hands.  Now, imagine that it was even less about money and there wasn’t all this surveillance involved making people become less able to talk about the real things on mans chests these days.  On certain sites, you can’t… or you don’t see this anymore because the social media platform has become tarnished, and the user experience has become boring or even mundane to your spirit.  Think about building a community of like-minded individuals online who only wish to see people becoming their own boss online through social media, but also getting to experience the true meaning of life.

It’s okay if you’ve never been a blogger before, but don’t mistake it for just another thing.  It’s an intense tool when used properly can empower you beyond your wildest dreams as your words start to reach out to other people and touch everyone from every corner of earth.

So remember:

With your words, you have the power to change the world. 

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