A few days ago, I found this disgusting thing in my YouTube feed. For those of you who are not going to bother to look at it, it is a video exhorting socialists to be ready for an impending market collapse, and to use said collapse as a method of getting their hands on on the resources of their countries/world. They then intend on nationalizing banks, etc..., which is basically another way of saying 'we're going to grab 'em and keep 'em for ourselves'.
Yuck! Instead of wiping out debt, getting rid of fiat currency, and abolishing things like the federal reserve, they intend on simply transferring ownership to themselves. In place of elitist capitalism, they intend to bring us state capitalism. Do you know what that is like? A bunch of bored bureaucrats, with no competition to keep them honest or in check. If you don't like the service, well, go fuck yourself! You have no choice or say in the matter. Your electricity will cost whatever they say it will, you will fly on an airline where the stewards and stewardesses can abuse you at will, an the technician can arrive whenever he f-ing well pleases to install your phone, T.V., and/or internet because if you get pissed off about, the phone company can simply refuse to install your line at all.
I used to work in travel, and I well remember people begging me not to book them on Air Canada, because, well, that airline was so bloody insolent. It had recently been privatized, but the attitude remained, as did the contacts with the government which ensured it remained the 'preferred supplier' for government travel. People also sent up a cheer when Bell Canada finally got some competition, and I believe a lot of people pray that the same happens to our provincial electric companies.
Most people currently jumping on the socialist (or 'progressive') wave have absolutely no concept of what the socialist agenda entails. They see rich people, feel envy (though I don't envy anyone the joy of 100 hour work-weeks!), and want what those people have for themselves. No, they don't want something similar for themselves. They don't want mansions of equal value, cars of equal prestige, bank accounts of equal size, or reservations at similar fancy restaurants. What they want are those people's cars, those people's mansions, those people's bank accounts, and those people's dinner reservations. And they want them without doing the 100 hour work weeks.
Allow me to put it a different way. I had a friend in school who had to have whatever belonged to other people. She didn't want a ring similar to yours; she wanted your ring. She didn't want to have a boyfriend just like you did; she wanted your boyfriend. In fact, she screwed a guy I was interested in simply because she knew I was interested in him, and then told me about it. Obviously this ended with me telling her to fuck-off, and pulling a knife on her when she still kept hounding me to be her friend (fortunately we had a cool school supervisor who didn't report on the incident, probably because she was making verbal threats due to my rejection of her attempts at reconciling our friendship). Or did you expect me to be in the mood to let bygones be bygones when she was in my face, shrieking at me because I didn't want to be friends with an obvious psycho?
Obviously, some people have connections that I don't have, never did have, and never will have. They are not smarter than me. This has been proven by actual testing of my intellectual capacity, which I do not recommend doing in an educational setting because, once it is discovered that you rank waay up there on the scale, word might leak out to your teachers and your easy cruising through the curriculum (no study needed!) might end up being curbed. You might end up getting put into courses several grades above yours, and do so well in them that the teacher will change his opinion about allowing lower grade students take his classes. And then what happens? They wipe out, and everyone is miserable! You become an anomaly, which is something that you don't need more of!
Back to the topic. Education will be dealt with below. People who do better than me may have had waay more advantages in life, including rich parents and flexible morals. They probably also have a more desirable personality, and a greater capacity to but up with bullshit. It's the eating of shit ability that I lack, and which has always held me back. I know that. Am I envious of others who have can eat crap by the dumpster-full? NO! God, NO! I think of them as sick boot-lickers. Is a Ferrari worth grovelling the way that they do? Not at all! Do I want to steal their Ferrari? No! If I had a car (I am a lousy driver who is best not being behind the wheel of anything!), I would rather it be a Volvo, or a new Volkswagen Beetle.
Nor do I want someone else's mansion or spouse. Used merchandise doesn't interest me. I would like to own a farm on which I could build a plant nursery, grow fruit trees (cherry and pear), and/or cultivate flowers. In other words, I want something of my own, not something stolen from others. Most of all, I would like to have a healthy business that I could pass on to my nephew and/or niece (my niece likes monkeys, so we're obviously not that close - for those who don't know, I hate those horrid creatures!). Was I born with a horseshoe up my ass? No. In fact, I was born at the end of the line where I only got the scraps that the dogs didn't want. That, however, does not make me think it is all right to simply take something for someone else because 'I need it more'.
Now, here is another tenet of socialism that 'progressives' and 'liberals' like to hide from you: if I did claw my way out up to the point where I had a business, and it was doing well, I would become a viable target for appropriation of wealth and assets. Furthermore, the core of socialism dictates that I would not be allowed to pass on the fruits of my efforts to my next-of-kin. People are not allowed to inherit wealth, their beliefs state, because that gives them an advantage over other people and everyone must start at the same place.
So, in the socialist world, the mom-and-pop grocery store is owned and operated by the state. Mom and pop are only employees, putting in their time until mandatory retirement. When they die, all their property (such as it is when you have no right to private property) reverts to the state. Their children have to start at zero, and claw their way through the bureaucracy until they reach the point where they, too, can be proud employees of the state run corner store.
How depressing! But, mom and pop really won't mind, because their children don't belong to them, anyway, and have probably been raised in state-run nurseries. Yes, that is also part of the actual socialist population planning. Do the research. If you do enough of it, you will also learn that socialism is only a preliminary stage of full blown communism. That is where your so-called progressives are leading you.
Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not interested in switching one slave-master for another, even harsher slave-master.

Image: Pixabay
Since I don't post all that regularly, I will now continue with education as promised above, instead of saving it until I post again.
I am (obviously) more than a little sick and tired of all the wannabes putting up YouTube channels and trying to pass themselves off as great minds in the vein of Plato, Socrates, and a whole host of other philosophers and thinkers. At first, I thought those doofuses could not possibly be serious in their aspirations! After all, not one of them is capable of even the most pedestrian thinking (as proven by their videos and posts). Sadly, alas!, these nauseating little prigs actually are serious! They can't wrap their little minds around anything that they haven't encountered in their limited educations, but, hell yeah!, they are the greatest authorities on everything! So, if they have not heard of it, then it is unimportant, and/or irrelevant, and/or of scurrilous provenance.
Below is an example of the type of respect they've earned from me.

Image: Giphy.com
One of the less amateur among these turds just happens to be affiliated with a university that someone I know works at. So, I decided to do a little checking into whether or not he is as he presents himself to be (that is, a well respected and much liked professor). The response that I got back from my contact was straight an to the point. It came in a one word text reply: "Ewwwww!" Apparently the feeling is widespread.
There is a problem when people are following these pied-pipers, and actually falling for the horseshit they're peddling! Even the best of them are only flapping their gums, as if yakking at a webcam has the power to convince any intelligent person of importance, let alone the validity, of their arguments. In fact, all they're doing is preaching to the converted. All of their jawing has no more of a point than to fill up their Patreon accounts - and they want their Patreon accounts filled, and they want it quite badly.
Okay, here's a bombshell for you; at best, these dorks present university level discussions. Unfortunately, university level is pretty damned low in the real world. University level is basic, entry-level. University level is la-la land. Even an elementary school drop out with twenty years' life experience has a broader understanding of life than a university professor who spends his entire work-life teaching twenty year old barely-adults the same book-learning day in, day out.
So, these douches are pretty juvenile. The joke is, they just don't get it. They believe they're out there converting their recalcitrant opponents, scoring victory after victory with their incontrovertible logic, like valiant knights in shining armor.
Sorry boys and girls. It doesn't work like that. The only converts they're making are people who are already interested in the merchandise that they're peddling. They are not preaching to people with critical minds. They are preaching to people like themselves, people who are the product of a learning system that has trained them to passively swallow lopsided information, and then regurgitate it on demand. They wouldn't know critical thinking if it walked up to them and farted in their faces.
The current education system, from kindergarten through university doctoral programs, is, of course, just that: an exercise in memorization of accepted (some would say 'acceptable') literature. As I well know, daring to ask a question that the teacher doesn't have a ready-made answer to, can result in a student being mocked by that teacher. Or, the student could be brusquely brushed off, and branded a trouble causer. Thinking outside the box, or seeing alternative interpretations is highly frowned up - at least it was back in my days. Nowadays, they send students in for 'counselling' and medicate them when their thoughts don't fall into line with the official curriculum.
I've met more people who dropped out of school because of boredom - that is, because the classes were too slow and basic - than people who dropped out because they found it too hard. Yes, intelligent students resent being held back by curriculums designed to accommodate the slow-learners but not the fast-learners. For those nincompoops who would say 'then they should be bumped up a grade or two', I say 'go to hell'. A part of school (in the early years) is socialization with other kids your own age. A brainiac is already an odd-ball among his peers; you only make it worse by tossing him in with kids who are way older than he is. The school offered my parents this option for my brother, and they refused it. He may have been way brighter than his peers, but he was still, socially, a boy of his age, and needed to be with other kids his age.
That said, watch this video for even more ideas as to why schools fail students, and why many choose to drop out.
Now, back to the wannabe philosophers out there, and the socialists who think university education is 'supposed' to be free. I've got news for them; even back in Plato's day, it cost a pretty penny to attend. Yes, my dears, the 'great' philosophers charged their disciples for the privilege of following them around, hanging on their every word. So, all the YouTube 'thinkers' out there have actually got it right! Charge, charge through the nose for the honor of hearing your mental drivel! However, beware!, because some of us admire Aristophanes (the philosopher-spoofer of ancient times!).
I will end by recommending the video below to anyone who seriously wants to know how the modern university came into being. It ain't a pretty picture for those readers who still believe that it was all about noble thoughts and higher learning. I have only one beef with the speaker, and that is his bringing 'antisemitism' into it for no reason whatsoever. Of course, he is European, and nowadays it is mandatory to somehow work mention of that into everything or face cries of being antisemitic yourself. Oddly, he drops it as fast as he brings it up, and only uses it in relation to competition from Eastern Europeans, which, like David Icke's reptilians, you have to been totally loco to automatically take to mean 'Jews' in code.
Watch the video. It's worth it, and it's why I am not simply including it as a hyperlink. Oh, and kiss your notions of 'university education is supposed to be free' good-by. Both this guy and the guy in the other video present an potent argument for downgrading the importance of the university. There are, it seems, far better ways to be spending our time learning important things.
fantastic thought...!!
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So did you go to university?
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I did, then left, then went back, then left in disgust once and for all.
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Don't let hate move you. I'm sure there were nasty people in that uni you went to. But science is not all that.
Pure socialism has failed many times. But democratic socialism works quite well in some countries. Look at Sweden, Denmark, Finland for example.
Take it easy. You are seeing in black & white when there's an infinite amount of shades in between.
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Actually any prof who works at the JMSB (the business school at Concordia University) is there because my sister pulled his/her CV from the pile of applicants, decided he/she had the qualifications needed, and then passed the CV to her boss who makes the hiring decisions. She also decides who is going to teach which course. I think I am quite familiar with what goes on in universities. I left for financial reasons the first time, and because of airheads the second time. This is not about 'hate'. This is about genuine education. We have the lowest tuition fees in all of Canada here, and still the students went on 'strike' demanding more. They physically threatened people who were only delivering supplies to the university, and the students at JMSB just ignored them and went on with their classes because, unlike the arts students who threatened them, JMSB students had a grip on both business and reality.
Also, I lived in Norway for a time, and saw the results of 'democratic socialism'. There are people right now in Sweden whose pensions won't buy them a cigar every week when it comes time to retire. I know these people. I would hardly call it 'seeing in black and white' when I have seen it first hand.
Please do not make assumptions simply because someone is saying something you don't want to hear.
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To me, this article sounds like you hate these 'groups' you list in the article. The reaction gif sums it up for me.
It's not that I don't want to hear this. I did read it all, mind you.
I just don't believe you got the facts straight here. You seem to think all 'socialists', 'progressives', 'liberals' have the same agenda that you outlined in your post. And you seem to misrepresent their ideas, intentional or not. Transferring ownership of the banks to themselves? Who said that and where?
This just sounds to me like a personal grudge.
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