in world •  7 years ago 

WORLD LIVING Do not fall asleep with the beauty of WORLD life. The life of the world is only temporary. The life of the world is not the last point for us. But the life of the world is one place for us to increase the good deeds. Not for fun and playing games. In (Surah Al-Hadid: 20) it is clearly explained about the life of the world, namely: "Know that the life of this world is nothing but a game and a neglect, ornament and glory between you and proud of the wealth and the children , like the rain that the crops admirably farmers; then the plant becomes dry and you see the yellow color then become destroyed. And in the Hereafter (later) there is a hard punishment and forgiveness from Allah and His pleasure. And the life of this world is nothing but deceptive pleasure. " The life of the world determines us, what we do during our lives is the intention of lillahi ta'ala. . Reproduce good deeds with intention lillahi ta'ala, because with our actions in the world will determine we will live eternally in Heaven or in HELL .. Know HEAVEN it is more Beautiful than life WORLD. Remember that there is still a long phase of life that we go through, we do not stay in the world alone. Reflect from now on. May be useful. . .

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