Predicted this giant game player by "Muhammad" (PBUH). AWARE OF IT!!!#

in world •  4 years ago 

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the eye in the hand and what is that

what is the iron had let's see that

again to accept protection what does

that mean

detection from there the Blessed prophet

(PBUH) declared

indeed zero I'm going to warn you about

the day job when

every prophet warned his people about

the Antichrist about the job the false

messiah but I I say to you something

that none never said before me Oh me no

prophet said it before him the

Antichrist sees with one high in the

hope Allah he has one eye his lift he's

blind in the right time

in New Hope he has one eye what

in the law Hollis at the he

doesn't have one eye your God

this God has one eye why is there so

much one eye symbolism amongst these

entertainers have you ever seen anybody

when you take a picture and he says hold

on hold on I've never seen any normal

person do that why do they do this

because this is their religion they

worship the one I got Horus is called in

Crawley's mythology why are they

preparing our children for one-eyed

characters why why the minions they're

actually called the minions in this film

why are they doing this why do they all

do these 1 eyes what's going on why are

all their symbols with one eye what's

happening and then the pyramid because

they believe in a fir onyx structure

they believe in any elite and then

everybody else the masses that just

follow them and do what they tell them

there are three dominant aspects to this

the gel system the first aspect is


her man and his armies the first aspect

is surround surround is the political

system the political system

is the free masonic constitutional

system of separation of religion of any

form of religion in the acts and

decisions of the state system in other

words morality is literally thrown out

and Machiavellian principles are

implemented the principles based on

efficiency and the benefit of the ruling

elite no other considerations are taken

if it means killing a lot of people it

means killing a lot of people now that

the first aspect of political embodied

by the constitutional government

separation of religion and state which

is implemented now in the Muslim

countries as well

dude top and democratic the

turkish nation is democratic by nature

have no doubt that the american nation

which has gone so far in this ideal is

Turkey's friend in her aims was adopted

by 33 votes 13 against


the important thing to remember with the

Masons and the founding fathers is that

many of the founding fathers were deists

so when you talk about the founding

fathers who believed in deism as opposed

to theism almost all of them give me

names George Washington Thomas Jefferson

John Adams deists believed that a

Supreme Being created the universe but

that being is impersonal it won't answer

your prayers or even hear them there are

a lot of people who say there is no

proof for example that Thomas Jefferson

was a freemason that is true but

certainly a deist Thomas Jefferson went

so far as to take the Holy Bible and

remove all of the references to anything

miraculous to the resurrection to the

virgin birth Jefferson himself said that

the idea of the virgin birth Christ

springing from a virgin would one day

seem as much like myth as the idea of

Minerva springing from the head of

Jupiter there is a painting in the

Capitol yes tell me about it well it's a

painting that I was shocked to find was

there I said there was a painting called

the apotheosis of Washington apotheosis

meaning the God making of wash to George

Washington becoming a God it seemed

almost irreverent oh it was like how can

a man become a god but it really to my


and and to other historians I catches

this concept of the power of man again

can you imagine anyone putting forth

that notion of politicians as gods

here we are in the 21st century when

he'd be run out of town you'd be run out

of town there was a statue of George

Washington that sat in the Capitol he

was unclothed it was a model of a Statue

of Zeus it was George Washington as a

god right and that did get run out of

the Capitol building this is George


in the last century the decided they

didn't have a decent statue of George so

instead of getting an American to to

produce one they ordered it from Italy

from Florence and when it arrived on the

dockside people were staggered because

here was George the first president

United States depicted naked from the

waist up with this cloth over his Bill

Clinton's and then pointing up one arm

pointing down the other what's going on

unless you realize where these people

are coming from it's inexplicable well

if you just hold that in your mind arm

up arm down naked from the waist up and

then Bill Clinton's covered in a piece

of cloth well this is where it's coming


this is the ancient depiction of the

compilation of the negative force symbol

that the Templars worshipable by level-5

Templars worshipped anyway and called

Baphomet and this is why that they

depicted George Washington in that way

the next thing is economic control this

is an absolute control the one eye that

is watching everything has complete

control the next thing is the military

which is Janu Daruma the armies of her

own and her man

that they have to have an army this the

United Nations in attempt to create a


the army that will literally police

people in the same way like Noam Chomsky

is mentioned it becomes like a mafia

Protection Agency if you're not paying

up then they send them off here in to

break some arm break some legs this is

what they do so that they have a create

a world army that will begin to do these

things the Prophet (PBUH) said

AP was about the job that he would ride

on a donkey and the donkey would travel

as fast as the clouds and the donkey

would have his hair stretched out wide

the donkey will have his two years

stretched out wide a flying donkey with

its ears

stretched out wide now I think our

artists over here tonight they're going

to have a field day with this symbolism

a flying donkey with his ass sketched

out why I hope you don't get a problem

when you got matter

flying donkey with it is fetched out

why the Dajjal is going to fly come flying

on that donkey my opinion which I hope

you will share with me is that that

donkey is already here in the world

I have interpreted a donkey to be

already here yes well I come to Malaysia

I have to travel on a donkey I have to

travel on that donkey every time I come

to Malaysia

this is religious symbolism which we

began the lecture the donkey is the

modern aircraft and since the Antichrist

brings with him the modern aircraft the

Antichrist commands the sky you can't

you cannot compete with him

arrival him in power in the skies above

and so the gel controls the sky because

the flying donkey is not just a

passenger aircraft the flying donkey is

also the fighter aircraft he said that

the Antichrist will step into the ocean

and the water will reach him up to his

knee you design a picture Larry

the John is going to step in the ocean

the job is going to step into the ocean

and the water will reach him to his knee

Protestant Islam of course is going to

wait for a man with tall enough so when

he steps into the water you will see the

water reaching him up to his knee in the

ocean again I want to suggest to you

that we're dealing with religious

symbolism here it is not to be

understood literally as a donkey it is

not to be understood literally as a man

who is a few miles tall but you and I

know that this is symbolism it

represents the technology with which

Dajjal is able to go down to the bottom

of the ocean the Antichrist would be

jumping about between the heavens and

the earth jumping about said the prophet

(PBUH) again I want to

suggest to you that this is not to be

interpreted literally that we are

dealing with religion is going to jump

between the summit and the skies and

jumping up and down

it could be a bit too old man to do that

if you're going to jump and your head is

going to be in the sky and then jump

back down and you had your feet on earth

I mean you've got to be mild as high as

a human being could you doctor well then

what does it mean

the jaw is going to be jumping between

the heavens and the earth answer it is

symbolism the jaw will have the

technology we wish to be able to go up

and come down it refers to our modern

exploration of the heavens above the

satellites that go around the earth and

the shuttle aircraft they go up and down

the father of the Space Age as we called

you know what he said I'm not the father

of the Space Age that's the real father

of the Space Age okay

now this guy who was at Cal Poly tech

right this guy Jack Parsons was openly a

devil worshiper he developed the fuel

that enabled us to penetrate the

stratosphere satellites could not have

come about without this guy in his diary

that he himself wrote he had a dream

this is 1948 he had a dream where he saw

somebody that he calls belly old the job

and he tells him you are helping me

okay I'm not making this thing you think

I'm making this up well I am NOT making

this up you go look it up yourself okay

so where's all this stuff coming from

where is that seriously where is it all

coming from we're in the age of the

Dajjal you know it's just although I

know when and where and what but this is

it people

as far as I'm concerned endgame you know

but the technology you study where all

this technology comes from okay you know

read about the magic and the

Enlightenment period all these

scientists were magicians they were all

into black magic you read about Francis

Bacon yeah I just read a about through

the friends that they can call knowledge

is power magic and and the creation of

modern science Francis Bacon was reading

all these magical books 2001 a Space

Odyssey arthur c clarke I was Lucy Clark

great technologist he actually has most

of the patents that enabled the

satellites right if you look at his

interview with BBC in 1961 where he

predicts the internet he predicts the

cellphones he predicts texting he said

that by the year 2000 people gonna have

handheld devices than him will talk to

anybody anywhere right arthur c clarke

said and he has three laws of technology

one of his laws is no technology reaches

a level of complexity except it becomes

indistinguishable from magic


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