The world is splitting in two almost equal sides, and at least one side has an attitude.

in world •  7 months ago 


The other side has a choice between a senile crime family boss with an insane concept of finances and gender, and one of the world's great narcissists, both about 130 years old, to lead it.

And both parties figure putting the other guys in jail is the best way to settle things.

We're test-firing hypersonic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

And autonomous drones increasingly capable of cutting out the human middle-man.

We owe $110,000 in government debt per person, or did I blink and it's $120,000 now?

Millions of unvetted strangers are pouring across our borders.

Machines are making the human mind go the way of the horse and buggy.

Ruthless tyrants are yapping about firing nuclear missiles at their enemies.

The other superpower is bullying its neighbors and talking war, because the world doesn't have enough of those right now.

Boys don't want to be boys, or girls girls, still less birth a new generation. And one party thinks that's super cool.

Our best friend in the Middle East is trying to destroy a mob of terrorists, and making itself universally hated and the terrorists universally popular.

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