MIRACLE:Rare giant water lotus seen again in Paraguay

in world •  7 years ago  (edited)

Brazil - Pantanal Conservation Area.jpg

Giant locusts, like small round boats, appeared again in a lagoon in Paraguay after being considered extinct in these parts.

A water plant, whose scientific name is Victoria cruziana, appeared again in the tributaries of the Paraguayan River Salado, 25 kilometers north of the capital of Asuncion.


The Ministry of Environment of Paraguay explained that the plant was being extinct due to the shrinking of the coastal area, and a large number of visitors who read and carried this unusual plant. It was declared an endangered species in 2006, and then it was believed to have completely disappeared.

This type of laying was known for being able to grow up to 2 meters in diameter and had an unusual look, like small round boats.
The news of their return attracted the rivers of tourists who come to take photos with them and ride their boats in order to get to see them closely.
"I live in this region from childhood, and I often told neighbors that it's a pity that the giant locusts have died out, but here's a miracle they have come back," said the townman Antponio Benitez.

"This is just an amazing sight, You do not often see water lilies, and especially not in this size and this size. Some are wide and more than two meters in length," said one of the tourists who came to admire this natural phenomenon.

The locals used this plant to prepare medicinal tea with what they believe to help with asthma and bronchial complaints, but the authorities issued a warning that they will punish anyone who tries to catch them.

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Great post. Your pictures are beautiful and I really enjoyed the read. Thanks

It's called the giant lotus and good news.

Sorry :)

aerial view looks great btw :) great post!