SUCCESS OF JAPANESE SCIENTISTS: This machine reads thoughts, and here's how!

in world •  7 years ago  (edited)


Artificial intelligence is capable of analyzing brain activity and electrical signals by drawing an image that a person is considering.

Japanese scientists have created a machine capable of looking into the human mind with incredible precision.

This artificial intelligence studies the electrical signals in the brain to reveal which picture someone views or what he is thinking about.


A team of scientists from the University of Kyoto, led by Professor Jukijacu Kamitani, created a computer nerve network that creates images based on information obtained by scanning the brain and changes in blood flow through the brain mass.


During the experiments, the machines reconstructed the owl, airplane, dirty glass and red mailboxes that three volunteers were considering.

The accuracy varied depending on the person, but this is a big step forward, which opens a new world for researchers - the team said.

Despite the fear of developing such a machine, scientists add, the technique can help create dream pictures, but also communicate with people in a coma.

The study of the machine's operation has shown that it manages to read what the brain thinks and transfers it relatively successfully into images. Although she was trained to recognize the images of nature, she managed to discover other things - she said in a statement by the scientist.


Step forward

Jerant Rice, an expert at the University College in London, says this is a big step forward.

It is especially interesting that the machine learned to recognize the letters even if it was not learned to read, he says.

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increible la forma de que la humanidad sigue desarrollandose no hay duda que el futuro es hoy...!!

Wow.. Ground breaking stuff...
Good post

I am both excited & fearful for the implications of this. It could help us get closer to wildlife & have a better understanding of sea life which much of is still a mystery to us. or it could be used for demographic marketing purposes & that would be such a waste.

That's very promising discovery. Finding how brain functions when we are coma. will resolve many of the mystery. Human brain is one of most wonderful creation we will know to what extend is human brain are capable