Could WORLD WAR THREE happen?

in world •  7 years ago 

Could World War Three happen?

Tensions between US, Russia, China and North Korea are increasing.

North Korea conducted two nuclear tests and 24 ballistic missile tests in 2016 alone, defying six UN Security Council resolutions banning any testing.

And it has conducted several additional missile tests in 2017 – including one that failed when the missile blew up soon after launching.

But the secretive country has shown no signs of slowing down, warning that it is ready for “full out war”.

It has even warned that it would be a “piece of cake” to nuke Japan – and that anyone supporting their detractors would also be in the firing line.

The hermit state has threatened that “nuclear war could break out at any moment”, but most experts believe it would not launch an attack as it would not survive a revenge strike by the US.

Paranoid Kim Jong-un has even dubbed America’s leaders a bunch of “rats sneaking around in the dark” amid claims the CIA plotted to wipe him out.

The tyrannical country has threatened the US with a “full-scale” nuclear war and claims the superpower is running scared of Kim Jong-un’s missiles.

President Trump bolstered American deployment in the region by sending the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Nimitz to the Sea of Japan.

He has already dispatched the USS Carl Vinson, powered by nuclear reactors, carrying almost 100 aircraft and accompanied by destroyers, a cruiser, and a submarine to the area.

Russia, along with China, is said to have sent a spy ship to the area to ward off the task force amid rising tensions in the region.

And Putin urged the US to show “restraint”.

There was a time when it seemed like the prospect of war with the likes of Russia and China had disappeared with the end of the Cold War.

But tense relationships between the world’s major military players means that the outbreak of another global conflict has been raised higher than ever before.

Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un has vowed to take on the US
If World War Three does kick off how could it start?

Russia and America’s involvement in the war in Syria has created a situation where the two nations’ planes are reportedly flying dangerously close to each other on bombing runs.

If World War Three does kick off it seems the Russians could have something to do with it.

But it is more likely that if it ever did happen, it would be sparked hundreds of miles away from Syria.

An expert claimed Latvia will be Ground Zero — the country where the next global conflict will begin.

Professor Paul D Miller of the National Defence University in Washington DC — who predicted the invasion of Crimea and the Ukraine conflict — said the Baltic state is next on Russia’s hit list.

But Putin won’t use conventional troops. Instead, he will recreate what happened in Ukraine and stir up the patriotism of ethnic Russians in the country.

“Putin will instigate an ambiguous militarised crisis using deniable proxies, probably in the next two years”, he said.

A missile is driven past the Kim Jong-un during a military parade in Pyongyang
A missile is driven past the Kim Jong-un during a military parade in Pyongyang
Who would win the war?

This is an impossible question to answer with any certainty, but if you are basing it solely on hardware it would seem the US is in the best position to win.

The US is the only country in possession of fifth-gen fighter jets – 187 F-22s and an F-35 that is not yet out of the testing phase.

Russia is developing one stealth fighter and China is working on four.

In terms of submarines the US Navy has 14 ballistic missile submarines with a combined 280 nuclear missiles.

They also possess four guided missile submarines with 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles each and 54 nuclear attack submarines.

Russia has only 60 submarines but they are said to have outstanding stealth capabilities.

They are also developing a 100-megaton nuclear torpedo.

China has five nuclear attack submarines, 53 diesel attack submarines, and four nuclear ballistic missile submarines to date.

However, the emerging superpower is developing more.nintchdbpict0003169744671.jpg

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I think that at the present time, the whole world would gain by leaving the weapons side, I say of side to sit at a table and DISCUTER.

I say that because in the event of war no one will come out alive. Almost all countries are armed.

The USA is not alone in possessing nuclear weapons. Russia, China, France, England and Italy are powers holding weapons of mass destruction.

We do not know exactly the capacity of NORTH KOREA weapons because it is a closed country. But it is a country that should not be overlooked in the event of conflict.

We already know the consequences in the event of world war. They are the dead, the destruction of property, the destruction of fauna, the flora and the seas.

The first two wars should challenge us all.
The USA in the first place because it is the country that makes the most talk about him because of its high war technology. It is the country that has the most military base in the world.

This country (USA) has a curious behavior. I say curious because it is the only country that complains about everything. Earlier it is Russia that is accused, so early is China if not Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran.

The US does not blame Nothing. He is the good student of the class. And yet it is the country that stirs up all the tensions that we live today throughout the world. It is an unacceptable behavior that UNCERTAINLY a few countries like China, Russia, North Korea or Iran are the only ones to denounce.

The European countries close their mouths on everything that happens. They are content to put everything on the account of RUSSIA. No European president can lift a finger in front of the Americans. Other than that, they are countries that claim to be powerful in front of African countries. (Because they are countries that just want to eat, otherwise, I will say they do not even exist). In front of the USA, they behave like WOMEN at home.

I will not be long. I prefer to stop here to tell you who is the author of this publication and to all the steemers friends that we should all pay attention.
The world today runs the risk of a third world war, the consequences of which will spare no one.
