A nuclear strike against Russia during World War III

in world •  8 years ago  (edited)

Many irresponsible politicians and the military is no longer concerned about the safety of the planet and its people inhabit. By this view come millions of sane members of humanity, thinking of a third world war. White issued untwisted propaganda machines for black and black is represented by them in white.

Those who have not lost the ability to think independently, clearly understand that the US is preparing to launch a nuclear strike on Russia. Only this can explain the emergence of new military bases in Europe, to carry out mass military exercises and continuous worsening of relations between the countries of Europe, the US and Russia. The technology of "color revolution" carried out in countries that are direct or indirect allies of the Russian Federation, where a coup came to power a puppet government which is ready to fulfill any orders from Washington. An example is Ukraine.

The status of Russia as US enemy, marked and voiced not only by influential representatives of the State Department, but also planted in the minds of the citizens of many countries. The atmosphere in Europe today resembles 1941 in his doiyunskom period. It seems that the people of Europe and Russia selected as the new and the next victims of the mass of humanity. So sharp and close to World War III world has never experienced. A battlefield is likely to Ukraine.

Some experts soothe the world's population, saying that the politicians and the military are no idiots, and no one wants to start World War III. But as this may be to believe, and it is hoped in terms of security and the survival of humanity at random. The cause of the global war may be incidental or provoked the conflict between the parties, the failure of software and hundreds of other factors are not controlled by anyone.

According to the newspaper Daily Telegraph the likelihood that nuclear weapons will be used countries is very high. Conducted public opinion polls about the third world war has shown disappointing results. Eleven per cent of the members of the public in the United States believes that the likelihood of a military conflict between the sides is very real. Eighteen percent of them believe that nuclear weapons will be used in it. Such indicators do not signal a general panic, but a serious degree of anxiety indicate.

How will Russia respond?
Plan for a nuclear strike against Russia, known as the "lightning" has not caused panic the country's leadership and the Ministry of Defence. sounded evaluation «Prompt Global Strike» Out of the mouth of the Russian politicians. Dmitry Rogozin, the governing MIC, said that Russia is preparing a retaliatory nuclear strike, which would be adequate to its anticipated by the enemy.

Nuclear weapons Yars RS-24
The initiators of the development of «Prompt Global Strike», as the concept of impact in the Third World War in the United States began to BC. Russian retaliatory nuclear strike has a very powerful force. On the protection of the country are calm ICBMs and SLBMs. They do absolutely useless any American missile defense system. Supersonic Russian missiles able to reach the opponent's goal in the 5-6 times faster than that of the "Tomahawk" missiles. Work on the creation of "Zircon" hypersonic missile is under way in the Russian Federation. The exact specifications of the new weapons are classified.

Estimates of US and Russian nuclear potential international experts
In Forbes magazine article expert Lauren Thompson was published in 2015, in which the author tried to analyze the military confrontation between Russia and the United States. The third world war can not now remain only within the boundaries of the two countries. Therefore, the probability that one of the parties may be carried out nuclear strike on the enemy's territory, concerned all humanity. According to Loren Thompson, Americans do not spend a dime on his arms. If they start the Third World War and inflict a nuclear strike on Russia, they will not leave the chance of survival themselves or the world. In his article, the author calls for prudence and caution.

After the start of deployment of missile defense in Europe, German Die Zeit published article, the meaning of which boiled down to the thesis that the US missiles in Germany are not protected. They create an additional threat to the country. The fact that the US is preparing a nuclear attack on Russia has already said many US military. To hide the fact that it is planned for mankind third world war is no longer possible. The only question is the date of its beginning. Experts believe that it could happen before 2020.

On the Russian Security protection office with the new nuclear weapons are and the old systems. One of them - "Perimeter" or "Dead Hand" as it was called in the West. It was developed and put into service during the years of the Cold War in the USSR. Even when the last soldiers will die and will be amazed at command posts, this system is able to autonomously, without human intervention, to run in response to surviving nuclear missiles to destroy the enemy's territory on a pre-specified coordinates.

In the event of the outbreak of hostilities it will suffer the most, according to experts, Europe. Russia, because of its large size territory, will be able to maintain their human potential. Many are inclined to the fact that the number of victims in the first attack on the Russian Federation does not exceed 10% of the total population. At the same time, Russia has a number of underground cities, which escapes the military, political and scientific elite of the country.

One of the key underground cities Yamantau assumed that supposedly located under the same mountain of the Southern Urals. He began to build in the days of the Cold War, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union a major project frozen. Reactivate construction in 2002, according to rumors, her several visits to Vladimir Putin. Journalists were able to find people who have participated in this project, but due to the subscription nondisclosure, no one was able to get any of the details of a large underground city.

The trouble for humanity can come from any direction
The third world war can flare up not only between Russia and the NATO bloc. Possess nuclear weapons to countries such as Britain, France, China, Korea, India, Pakistan and Israel. Recent joint military exercises on the reflection of China and the Russian nuclear attack show that the Third World War will start the mechanism of the Global Nuclear millstone. Sit on the sidelines can not be anyone. Nuclear conflict can arise not only in Europe, which now becomes very hot, but also in the Asia-Pacific region.

Only three countries in the world, able to strike today to each other a fatal blow. This is the United States, Russia and China. Russian military unit and China could become a very powerful deterrent factor of NATO and the United States. In recent years, and Russia and China are re-accelerated their armies. The two countries began a slow but progressive movement to establish a joint military unit. Creating a counterweight to NATO in the world would give mankind hope that cooler heads would become of the planet is much larger than it is now. Much will be determined in a global world policy choice of his President the American people.

The most authoritative Chinese newspaper "Daily žemyna" repeatedly wrote in its pages that the military alliance between China and Russia could become an anchor of global stability. And in the Global Times pages statements could be seen that China and Russia against Europe and the USA look like paper tigers. In view of the military potential of the CSTO, the Russian threat does not seem to be rosy for the Americans. The question arises - why States injected war hysteria, knowing full well that they will receive adequate devastating blow?

There are different versions, two main of which - the third world war, as a means of getting rid of debt and method of conquest resources. The most important thing is not oil and gas in Russia, and drinking water, a lack of which has become a serious problem in many countries. Last internal dilemma in the Russian State - whether to integrate the country with the United States under the terms of a vassal state or stand on the borders of its territory and interests, without making a single step back, actively discussed in the society.

Poditozhivaya above, can only hope that the nuclear attack on Russia will only be up, and the evolution of humanity will change the minds of the world's elite, which will start to work constructively for the benefit of mankind.

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This is direct translation from Russian.
Source: http://www.3world-war.su/yadernoe-oruzhie/1381-jadernyj-udar-po-rossii-v-hode-tretej-mirovoj.html

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