Governments to Be Replaced with Automation and Blockchains

in world •  7 years ago 


This is a continuation from my previous post: "We Can't Be Trusted with Our Money?! We Need Protection"

@grizgal made a great comment:

The issue is that people can be stupid and right or wrong, they expect insurance against stupidity (ie the state to bail them out)

How do we best accommodate a robust money system?

I ask the question above, as it seems from my investigations and observations that what exists here today as various money systems, mostly regulated and controlled by various governments, banks, major corporations and venture a mostly inefficient and ineffective system. Arguably things are not very good as we have a lot of problems from nation to nation...and we many abusive practices in place which disregard the earth, humans, animals and insects. Arguably it is our monetary structuring of things that is at the root of this catastrophe.

Human Awareness for the Situations of Today

Presently within the design of the structuring of the systems and laws we have in place today - it is possible to "prosper" and "benefit" if you are "smarter" and more "clever" than the majority of participants within the system. This is a flawed model. It is so heavily flawed because it perpetuates a justification that things work because it works for a small percentage of the total population of humans. Lets use a sports analogy. Let's specifically look at leadership and a championship team. The Championship Team has on it some players that are head and shoulders 'better' than the rest. These great players make the whole of the team better. In fact many players on the team have elevated the quality of their game as a result of playing and working with the 'captain's'.

Ok - now lets fast forward back into our world today with money. We have a number of people with so much. We have a much greater number of people with next to nothing. Are the one's who are holding most of the funds really making the other humans "better"? No. It's not how it works in the current system we have. It's a win/loss military industrial complex type game here...and it's the majority of participants who are the "losers". It's just how things are set up. It's possible for "one" or even "some" people to "rise up" and become wealthy just like the small minority here that are. In the current structuring of things here today...with the way laws, governments and banks function it is not possible for everyone to prosper. This is very problematic. Or is it? If you care about all life, then yes, it is.

What is the functioning of Government?

Is it to count the money? To collect money in taxes. To redistribute money as a way to "balance" the economy? To create new structured systems to provide added value to it's inhabitants of a particular area?

The above questions open up the kind of reflection that, "hey maybe government doesn't have to be this tyrant type of thing".

I've often asked myself - How many people are really necessary to have a well functioning government? Do we even know what a "well" functioning government is? Has a "well" functioning government ever existed? What defines "well" in terms of government functionality?

Blockchain and Automation

When the majority of the system is designed in such a way where humans cannot intervene to "corrupt" the system and or "cheat" or "scam" the system....then, we have a system we can trust within. This seems to be the most logical approach to "monetary policy"...the money system.

We have today a very layered system of "middle men" that basically serve no purpose of added value. In fact this is perhaps a glaring example of inefficiency and ineffectiveness within and as our laws and government today. We create more work through enforcement than is necessary if we adjust the model to be of a sound balance in the first place. It's kind of a farce when we really get into the details of how inefficient and ineffective human life is on planet earth. It's quite disgraceful really when we reflect upon ourselves and how we as humans collectively live here. The Earth looks like it would be in far better shape if we humans ceased to exist.

With the above being said - it's really just a shift in thinking. From Honesty to Self-Honesty. It's the point of really giving shit. You know, existing here beyond the thoughts we have. Being a real physical being here. It's like we are in the aftermath play out of many moons ago where we thought we were smart and more aware because of the nature of "thoughts" and "thinking" it was this new and exciting thing...and we experienced shifts in states more quickly. I think deep down we already know mostly everything. We just get in our own way...and as consequence each others way. Mostly as an outflow of being too much in mind and not enough in body. It's like way in the head...not here in body. The body just being a food source for the mind to consume over time. Perhaps that's a large part of the reasoning as to why over many years an old human looks all shriveled up and wrinkled. Like we suck the life source out of ourselves over time...and we've just gotten use to it....believing that this is the natural outflow of our species.

To Be Continued

  • I just kind of opened things up here - would like to go more detail into a number of things here. Please share your thoughts/ideas/suggestions in the comment section.

  • Cheers :)

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Even years into the deployment of the internet, many believed that it was still a fad. Of course, the internet has since become a major influence on our lives, from how we buy goods and services, to the ways we socialize with friends, to the Arab Spring, to the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Yet, in the 1990s, the mainstream press scoffed when Nicholas Negroponte predicted that most of us would soon be reading our news online rather than from a newspaper.

Fast forward two decades: Will we soon be seeing a similar impact from cryptocurrencies and blockchains? There are certainly many parallels. Like the internet, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are driven by advances in core technologies along with a new, open architecture — the Bitcoin blockchain. Like the internet, this technology is designed to be decentralized, with “layers,” where each layer is defined by an interoperable open protocol on top of which companies, as well as individuals, can build products and services. Like the internet, in the early stages of development there are many competing technologies, so it’s important to specify which blockchain you’re talking about. And, like the internet, blockchain technology is strongest when everyone is using the same network, so in the future we might all be talking about “the” blockchain.

Great Comment! Thank You.

And like the internet, blockchain technology is strongest when everyone is using the same network, so in the future we might all be talking about "the" blockchain.

EOS and STEEM come to mind :)

Very nice information bro, I am following you and I'm waiting for you upload more👌❤

instead the government becomes a parasite.

That was really cool thought's on this and that comment truly nailed it for me that summarised the whole thing up :D