IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? A message to the most powerful players and everyone else who feel powerless

in worldwar-flag •  8 years ago  (edited)

@steemit @freedom @ned @blocktrades @dan @val-a @jamesc @smooth @abit @dantheman @mottler @ben @tombstone @database @val-b @michael-b @hendrikdegrote @thejohalfiles @engagement @proskynneo @created @michael-a @transisto @pharesim @xeldal @roadscape @arhag @safari @rainman @witness.svk @riverhead @batel @jaewoocho @summon @wackou @wang @enki @bob @steem @cloop1 @fuzzyvest @steemed @adm @alice @thecyclist @onceuponatime @thisvsthis @bitcube @goku1 @steempty @renohq @tamim @recursive @gavvet @kushed @slowwalker @glitterfart @fulltimegeek @trafalgar @abdullar @alvaro @systema @donkeypong @thooms etc

The flag wars have gotten out of control - @seablue's recent post about @berniesanders

Steemit was important to me. I bought my stake with my own hard earned cash. I placed my trust in the dream of Steem. That trust has been broken it seems. A stakeholder on this platform doesn't want me to be a part of this community anymore.

Why? I don't think it's a personal thing he has against me. I think he just doesn't like Steemit.

Whatever his reasons, he has chosen to drive away @skeptic, @matrixdweller, @krnel and now @fyrstikken. In standing up for a friend, now I've become obstacle in the way of his personal ambition. Another expendable human being in the pursuit of what?


Why have we allowed these flag wars to continue? How many people will we allow to be driven away from the platform until we've had enough of flagging each other?

A lot of users are developers, investors, & entrepreneurs. Instead of focusing on projects at hand people are spending 70% of their time dealing with these flag wars! That is lost productivity for the Steem blockchain. We are not only driving people away but also slowing down our productivity and denying our viability as a working platform. I love the community on the Steem blockchain, and how we help each other out, but these flag wars are destroying us from the inside out. We are losing potential gains over this Tom Petty Flag War.

The Fifth Column.jpg

The experiment must end. We need to change the code to allow growth of the Steem blockchain rather than relying on flag police. Yes it is redistributing power somewhat effectively. But all @abit and @smooth are doing is showing that "rule by force" is the system on Steemit/Busy. And this is shown through powerful players flagging people until they leave the platform, because rule by force is the "normal" on this platform.

I think that most Steemians are tired of flagging each other and next time there is going to be, destruction for real. I don't think the rest of Steemit know that. I think they think we just playing and it's going to be some more playing, but it ain't going to be no playing. It's going to be annilation, you know what I'm saying, it's going to be like Mt. Gox, 2013, up in this motherfucker. You know what I'm saying, it's going to happen.


I know you might think we are playing by building a low orbit flag cannon, but we are not. It is close to completion. Rule by force is the rule on the Steem blockchain, and if this doesn't change we will take the throne. Anyone who flags without consensus including @abit's and @smooth's flagging experiment will be completely annilated by this weapon. Your rep will be reduced to negative, you will never earn rewards again, and you will never recover. Unfortunately due to not having the fabric technology, we have been unable to properly test this weapon. There is a chance it might obliterate everyone who has touched the chosen one's targeted posts, but we are willing to take that risk if it means ending this flag war. If no one else will do it. We will.

“The caterpillar is a prisoner to the streets that conceived it
Its only job is to eat or consume everything around it, in order to protect itself from this mad city
While consuming its environment the caterpillar begins to notice ways to survive
One thing it noticed is how much the world shuns him, but praises the butterfly
The butterfly represents the talent, the thoughtfulness, and the beauty within the caterpillar
But having a harsh outlook on life the caterpillar sees the butterfly as weak and figures out a way to pimp it to his own benefits
Already surrounded by this mad city the caterpillar goes to work on the cocoon which institutionalizes him
He can no longer see past his own thoughts
He’s trapped
When trapped inside these walls certain ideas take roots, such as going home, and bringing back new concepts to this mad city
The result?
Wings begin to emerge, breaking the cycle of feeling stagnant
Finally free, the butterfly sheds light on situations that the caterpillar never considered, ending the internal struggle
Although the butterfly and caterpillar are completely different, they are one and the same." - Kendrick Lamar

Irish Flag War Scientist

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I wrote a post offering solutions to a more balanced and therefore healthier alternative to the current downvoting/flagging model.


Thank you for the logo that you made for dawn. Do you think thta you could post it here? It kinda got lost in a jumble of getting hacked and shitty things like that. I do recommend you read through my recent, flagged as fuck, posts, as well.

Sure, I've been really busy and I apologize for my absence, should have at least checked in. If you could post link to the chat again that would be awesome.

Absolutley. Forget riot, though, that was a mistake on my part. I'll be around in discord/hangouts. [email protected] on google hangouts.

Thanks @baah!

Thank you @baah

@ned I agree, something needs to change in regards to how things are flagged.

It's a flaw that is destroying the platform. Fix it or be Myspaced.

These changes can and will be addressed without much issue imo. This is a blockchain. Personally I am not worried and the platform is still growing. I believe in the Steemit team and platform. Thats why I am continuing to power up.

it's not growing. Many of us authors are not posting.
Krnel hasn't posted in 10 days, magnify that by a big number.

Im sorry you perceive things as that way. I for one am continuing to find good content some even exclusively on Steemit. I am following some great authors and content creators who post to Steemit daily. Hope to see you all come back one day.

You have been good to me and I respect your opinion, but until the abusive actors are truly dealt with, Steemit will be always mired in negativity, which drives away quality users.

I'm still here or else I would not be in this conversation. It's blindness to the reality that I hope for you to see......

Blind to what reality? I know there is a flagging issue, as I said earlier I believe it can/will be addressed in due time. I am a very patient individual.

Don't you think top earners are less or not posting last week and a bit more due to reward pool sistuation?

Something really does need to change around here... even if the flagging-- itself-- is somewhat localized, the increasing number of posts about the flag wars and rewards and related is starting to make Steemit a "harder sell" outside the community.

Think about it: Why would people recommend to their friends that they join a venue that's taking on more and more of an atmosphere of darker sides of digg/reddit?

I just want to work with other people within the community without them being distracted or affected by pointless flag wars. And what you are saying is exactly why I am intent on ending this flag war as soon as possible. If the community are not willing to change the code we will end this; no matter the short term cost or accounts devastated by the Low Orbit Flag Cannon, or even increased escalation it brings when other LOFCs are developed and brought online.
If we are going to continue with "rule by force" we will have "rule by force".

I'm pretty new, so could someone give me a run-down of the drama? :^)

Hello @semantralist

My best advice is do not care about it at all. Steemit is a place to write and have fun.
It is just some people that are dramatic, there is no drama in itself.

Have a laugh and a nice day

Hi @semantralist

When Steemit started people got to high hopes to soon. They thought it would be bigger than facebook in no time.
Now they are looking for what is wrong because they did not get rich after five minutes.
People do not want it to take some time and now many people think they are expert in solving the problem that is not there.

The second wave of Steemit will start in the near future and then they will be happy again.

It is the same story every time in history.

I disagree. This has nothing to do with how soon Steem will be a success. This has everything to do with people trying to get on with projects, but being distracted by silly flag wars, and users being pushed off the platform, and a "rule by force" system in place.

There has been a Flag War going on longer than I have been a user. I don't know how it began or what started it. Users have the ability to flag each other, those with most SP have the greatest flagging power. On the Steem blockchain currently "rule by force" is in effect, rather than consensus decision making, this can be observed by the widespread blanket flagging by @abit and @smooth (which is not malicious, but a band-aid to coding problems regarding reward distributions).

Certain powerful players for whatever reason have been flagging people as they see fit, pushing people away from the platform. Over time things have slowly escalated.

I'm just trying to work on some projects with some fellow Steemians, but I've had enough of them being distracted by Flag Wars, or being pushed away from the platform (as has been the case for other users). I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. This is a problem that can be solved, and there have been many solutions presented, but none adopted.

If no solutions are implemented we will be forced to take the throne and rule over this platform (as it is rule by force) utilising the Low Orbit Flag Cannon (LOFC). Unfortunately using the LOFC on the Steem blockchain is like setting off a small localized nuclear device to get someone in your backyard. There will be fallout and likely many users' accounts devastated. But this will only happen if "rule by force" is continued.

I just want to work with other people, towards bettering the community, and strengthening our investments. But if we are going by the "rule by force" approach then:

"Since there is nothing in the world which is permanent whatever exists must eventually be overcome by something else which comes along. Seeing himself and his values in the same light he knows that these aspects must also be overcome by something stronger if not by him then by someone or something else.
So in order to keep up with the times he continuously reinvents himself over and over always building something stronger, more powerful, on top of what went before.
In this way they rise above the values of the masses (the weaker, the unwise) until they arrive at the top and being superior to any other they serve as the guidelines for the rest of society. They remain on top until another superior system of values comes along and usurps it."

But also what @babsboard said!

I'm here for the ride my dude. :^) Whatever happens happens, ya know?

As long as you are having fun on this exciting rocket ride you are winning 😊

Welcome to SteemIt. I wish you the best of your experience here.
The drama is to improve quality here at the website. If you don't find anything unpleasant then the job is being done.
upvoted and followed.

I'll I've got at the moment is time invested, and I've got plenty of it to spare. I enjoy watching things play out, irregardless of my own standings.

I'll look forward to this comment being flagged as a demonstration of the silliness that is going on.

Lofc? Holly molly this would be interesting that for sure.

Just to offer a countering perspective, for some of us, these kind of post are what's out of control.

Why people can't just go in chat and work out their differences one on one is beyond me. Please everyone, stop dragging every little argument you get into with someone onto the front page of Steemit.

I beg you, kindly. :)

Edit : Unless you do it in comic format, then it's perfectly acceptable. ;)

I agree somewhat, but also think it is important for the wider community to know what is going on. I think transparency and communication on issues that can affect us all is important. I personally would like to know about any exploits within the system.

I believe many actors involved have tried chatting, but due to the impersonal nature of text-chat communications have broken down.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have no idea what all the goals of different parties within this flagging war is? To my knowledge some people want to distribute the power and others want to hold it? Correct me if I am wrong. I'm not here to judge.

I understand that people who have earned their high stake on here wanting to see the benefits of it when they upvote someone and they see 20 cent reward or more. But at the same time there are 10x more people who upvote and see the ticker rise by nothing. - How discouraging is that? Just by giving them the power of 1 cent, could mean a lot. It's all about giving, this platform. Why not share the power to do so with others? You still are the one benefitting most of it when more users join and buy steem. Think about it.

Why not distribute some of this 20 cents for others to give? Did you buy in to just benefit yourself or to see good things rewarded? I'd like to see open discussion about this issue. What is happening, really. People are talking about war and some users have no awareness of such thing happening at all, I think we need better communication on the issue for sure.

Distribution of Steem around the platform is good, but people being targetted and flagged into oblivion by powerful players is silly. Unfortunately the flagging experiment which helps spread the steem around, and gives more power to users, only reinforces the "rule by force" system which others are abusing or using (depending on your perspective). I like the result of the flagging experiment, but it has to end, to stop this other aspect of flagging which is getting out of control.

Many of the people who mined their way to their large SP have already made lots of profit, they have already got theirs, and so may no be incentivized to act with the community's best interest at heart.

@seablue and others are being targeted by @berniesanders, who are in turn targeting him back. I don't know how it began. I only know how it will end; with the Low Orbit Flag Cannon.

As soon as I saw "the caterpillar..." I knew it had to be Kendrick! That quote is very very right for this situation. I don't understand how some people think and I don't think I plan to even try. If steem/steemit dies, all investment becomes zero. Don't they see?

I think we should have Fun with Flags instead of the war - need people to engage and comment their flag so we can see which great community we have.

For me its just a hint to take a break until the issue is resolved with code. Tons of other cryptocurrency related projects to look at and invest a portion of my time in.

I'm confused about your rule by force assessment.
Do you refer to the whales who take it in the first place, or the whales that take it back?

If the little guys don't matter in the math, and are not intended to, then we need to stop fooling little people into coming here, huh?

If you are for the little folks you have to be against the whales that suck it all up, there no middle ground that isn't won by one side or the other.

Either rewards go to the top, or the bottom, money doesn't spend twice.

Do you refer to the whales who take it in the first place, or the whales that take it back?

I don't know.

If the little guys don't matter in the math, and are not intended to, then we need to stop fooling little people into coming here, huh?

I think there are changes planned, at least in regards to the flagging issue, but we've only just received Hardfork 18 which was a monster, and our peeps have been busy working at it. So could be a wait.

Yeah, we ain't sailing smooth seas, yet.

please tell me how much you earn every week from here ?
please answer
thank you

Yeah... WW I will occure on steemit. I am only a minnow but in my opinion flag abuse must stoped. :)

PREACH IT @riskdebonair ! I've been saying this for months!

My solution is the opt/in/out solution mentioned a few times. Let's END THE FLAG WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I appreciate the attempt at making the rewards more enticing for new users, which is a must! However, there should be some impersonal way to do it rather than this.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Wars shall be prevented. Conversations and discussionsare the ways to solve them. Why not try and get in direct conversations with the individuals concerned. Maybe even outside this public channel Steemit?

In parallel lets try to have fun on Steemit. I know I have, wars or not, re-initialised reward pools or not. Here a nice tune to enjoy some happiness.

Yai... .you get flag from berniesander....