in wormhole •  6 years ago  (edited)

this make me wanan fucking cry with happyness cause we can literally travel anywhere IN OUR ENTIRE FOX /DOG FUCKING GALAXY IN A SPLIT SECOND!
all you would need is the proper frequency cordinates of the location u want the wormhole to open from the location you already are at assuming you've measured those cause ur gunna need that shit if u wanna go back 2 ur orginal start area aka like earth or somewhere at least in our local star system.

wormhole spaceships real ive literally seen them not only in my dreams a video another earth human literally filmed more recently and finally last week i actually was given the fucking amasing gift of seeing one here 1/4 of the way in our human visual spectrum to say this is amasing is a fucking understatment so i mean we can literally go anywhere in the unvierse faster then the speed of light......
so yea monumential is a fucking understament not only that i have documents prooving the usa department of defense has been researching this stuf sense at least 2008. probably fare longer.....
wormhole spaceships real ive literally seen them not only in my dreams a video another earth human literally filmed more recently and finally last week i actually was given the fucking amasing gift of seeing one here 1/4 of the way in our human visual spectrum to say this is amasing is a fucking understatment so i mean we can literally go anywhere in the unvierse faster then the speed of light......
so yea monumential is a fucking understament not only that i have documents prooving the usa department of defense has been researching this stuf sense at least 2008. probably fare longer.....

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