How to install Wordpress on my computer using MAMP
When i started working with Wordpress one problem that i encounter was the fact that i had to install it on my online server.
My real problem is the fact that i m doing a beta test of my sites i dont want them to be online.
So i had to install Wordpress on my computer.
(the links on this post are shrinked by ADFLY )
So let s get started...
1. First, i had to download and install MAMP
Go the site, download and install. Quite simple. :)

2. Then open MAMP, go to preferences and select a folder where your sites are going to be install.
3. Now download WORDPRESS from
4. Inside your MAMP sites folder, create a folder and put the Wordpress downloaded files.
5. The tricky part is to go to your phpMyAdministrator and create a new database with the name of your site.
6. Go to your MAMP Homepage and select MAMP WEBSITE Page, in the menu
Select The folder where your wordpress files are.
7. Run the 5 min install Wordpress wizard.
When the wizard asks for DATABASE Name, write the name of the database you created.
User and Password are - root and root.
Thats it.