in worship •  7 years ago 
  1. PREPARE! God honors preparation . The music leader and the team MUST learn and know the music well.
  2. PRACTICE with your team. DON’T wing your worship.
  3. PICK easy songs to sing. There are so many song in our generation today and most of it are complicated. Choose meaningful song that will penetrate the message into the congregation’s heart.
  4. PICK Theologically deep songs. Best words are declaring specific adjective that describe God.
  5. LEARN. The singers MUST learn your LYRICS. The musician MUST learn the CHORDS.
  6. PRAY for the worship, for you and for everyone. Talk to God.
  7. Make yourself INVISIBLE. Worship is all about GOD, not you. Be HUMBLE.
  8. Be Authentic in everything you do or say. Speak through your heart. We are not ROCKSTARS.
  9. SPEND time with your team. We are not a separate musician, we are a TEAM.
  10. SMILE. Always smile because God is good in our lives, right? Smile when you are singin, don’t frown.
    READ and APPLY the word of God.

(c) Tips from The Digital Pastor. To God be the Glory.

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