Would you rather give up music or television for a month?

in wouldyourather •  7 years ago 

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Would you rather give up music or television for a month?

These are the rules

  1. Everybody can participate
  2. Chose ONE option
  3. Share your answer in the comments below

Curious how your friends would decide? Resteem!

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Good post

Tv for sure. I don't watch tv (maybe 1-2 hours per week at most) since 2006. It really is not something you give up as you can use your time with so many better things.

Yeah, totally. + there is not much to watch on TV anyway. If you want good series or movie it's still better go go for VOD services with no ads and stuff

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Do i really need a tv when i got phone & internet? I hardly watch tv.
But for music, i can't do without it, unless i'm restrained from it.



Have you watched the movie would you rather ?

Below is the trailer :

Television...pretty easy choice actually.