Welcome to our extensive guide on the top gold farms in World of Warcraft Classic’s Season of Discovery. As Phase 2 is drawing closer, accumulating wealth has become even more crucial for players. This guide will provide you with a number of different ways to increase wow classic sod gold supply efficiently.
Darkmoon Faire Opportunities
The Darkmoon Faire presents an opportunity for shrewd traders. By purchasing undervalued objects such as green and blue gear, consumables that will not be available until phase 2, scrolls and materials, you can make a lot of money out of every penny spent on these items. These are high profit items near the next stage. Check the event calendar; the next Faire in Mulgore runs from January 29th to February 4th while another one is in Elwynn Forest from February 12th to February 18th.Use a bank character to keep an eye on and buy these items.
Fishing for Gold
Fishing has turned into a more lucrative activity especially with increasing demand for materials like Bolt of Mageweave, Silk Cloth and Heavy Leather among others. Consider using ‘Better Fishing’ add-on which makes it easier by using keybinds and auto-loot to help speed up your fishing efforts. Don’t forget to set rain effects lowly; this reduces rain visibility thereby enabling easy spotting of where fishing schools are located.
Consumable Vendors and Auction House Flipping
Another simple plan is buying consumables at low prices from vendors then selling them at higher price on Auction House. Use addons such as 'Vendor Treasures' that display vendor locations on your map in order to increase efficiency. If a consumable is invisible at a vendor, then it generally means that another player just purchased it because it is still on cool down.
Bag Selling
Selling bags still provides good returns. Buy 12-slot bags from capital city vendors - they may cost differently depending on reputation and PvP rank - then resell the bags at an increased price on the Auction House. There will be more competition after this tip was shared but there can still be profit.
Crafting and Professional Materials
If you have invested in crafting professions, consider producing items or gathering materials required for World Shipments and Supply Crates. These are often sought after by players looking to complete quests or enhance their gear.
Herbalism and Material Farming
Herbalists can capitalize on high-value herbs like Grave Moss that may be farmed in areas like Desolace or Duskwood. Prices might change as Phase 2 nears, so grab the market while it is favorable to farm and sell.
Killing for High-Value Loot
For those who are willing to fight, higher level targets farming may result in valuable green items that can be sold at Auction House for good prices. Such locations are among others the southeast part of Hillsbrad Foothills.
Group Farming of Dark Iron Ores
Forming a group and farming Dark Iron Ores from elite dwarves in northern Wetlands is an effective material farming method.
Investing in Future Needs
Watch out for trends in the market like the increasing price of Small Flame Sacs due to speculation about their use in future raids. Investing or farming such items could lead to some big profits.
Questing with Strategy
Finally, finish quests within levels 15-20 to make silver and gold without spoiling higher-level quests needed for leveling up during Phase 2.