How WWE can unsuck in 2017, its all about AJ Styles and Samoa Joe...

in wrestling •  8 years ago  (edited)

Apart from Rock vs Austin spectacles or Mr. Mcmahon Shenanigans or TLC, part of that great excitement that was the attitude era in wrestling was due to gang warfare. DX, The Nation, The Alliance, The Corporation, NWO etc etc...

In modern WWE, no one takes tag teams seriously anymore, let alone a stable. WWE has one opportunity to book a high profile stable vs stable match.

Let me play this out for you? Buckle up!

At Great Balls of Fire after an awesome back and forth match between Brock Lesnar and Samoa Joe, Brock retains the Universal Title, at the end of the match Joe extends his hand in respect and Brock acknowledges in return, the crowd applauds and the show goes off the air.

The next night on raw Angle plans a Brock Lesnar appreciation with Paul Heyman, towards the end of the show we have Brock, Angle and Heyman in the ring. Angle recalls their Wrestlemania 19 match for the WWE championship, he says the only other guy who he has been in the ring with that can match Brocks intensity is Joe. He calls Joe out. He talks about the handshake at the end of the match and hints at maybe they want to go at it again, The crowd goes "Yes!".

Music Hits, Interruption! It's Eric Young and Sanity from NXT, everyone is confused. Eric spits out some gibberish and the trio heads to the ring. Joe and Brock get ready to fight, Angle looks like he can go too. Sanity climbs the ring and looks to be three on three and in a moments notice from behind Joe locks Brock in a Coquina Clutch. All five men proceed to beat up Brock with Paul Heyman in shock. The show ends with Angle hitting an Angle Slam on Brock and standing tall with Joe and Young over Brock.

The next night on Smackdown, it's John Cena vs Randy Orton(for the 1000th time) to determine the No 1 contender for Jinder Mahal's WWE championship. As the main event is ending both competitors are exchanging series of moves. We then hear blaring through the microphone "Glorious!"... Out comes Bobby Roode, fans are going nuts knowing what has happened on Raw the previous night. Cena and Orton face Roode in the ring and from behind comes AJ Styles with a chair and the fans go crazy, he lays out Orton as Roode goes for Cena, Cena fights backs and they both go for Cena. Styles clash on Cena. Roode and Styles stare each other down as the crowd is going nuts as the show goes off Air.

A week goes by and we get no explanation or linkup between what happened on Raw and Smackdown, Angle is suspended on Raw for his actions and Triple H will summon Joe next week regarding his actions.

At Smackdown's Battleground we get a triple threat match for the WWE championship, Jinder retains against Cena and Orton after interference from Roode and Styles.

The next night on Raw, Triple H calls Joe out, he tells Joe that he gets it, he wants to make an Impact(Pun Intended), all he had to do was ask for another title opportunity and HHH would make it happen in due course or does he want a Wrestlemania moment? That can happen too.

Joe takes the mic, tells HHH this one is not about titles and wrestlemania, it's about pent up emotions over 17 years, how guys like Brock Lesnar and all those guys who came around 2002 got it all and guys like him had to work in front of a 50 people crowd at first, it wasn't until Kurt came around he was starting to look good to suits like HHH. Kurt cares about real wrestlers.

Triple H ignores him and says it's always about titles and wrestlemania, title equals Brock Lesnar-esque status and all he has to do to get one is take out Kurt Angle and he gets a match against Brock at Summerslam. Joe thinks for a moment, the fans are chanting "No!" "Yes!". He takes the mic, tells HHH that's exactly why and lays him out. The crowd goes nuts.

The next night on smackdown, during a match between Cena and Nakamura, A suspended Kurt Angle hits the ring and attacks Cena, Cena is locked in an Ankle lock, Randy Orton is dragged from backstage to the ramp by Roode and Styles.

Angle gets on the mic and has a message for HHH, he says if HHH wants him beat up so bad, why doesn't he do it himself, they've never liked each other and we can tell. He challenges HHH to a winner controls Raw for a year match at Summerslam.

Next, Styles gets on the mic and says Cena and Orton have nothing on Styles or any of his friends. Neither does Brock, Styles says he's been an IWGP champ too. He goes on that these guys are muscle bound poster boys and have ruined wrestling for the fans, wrestling is not about signatures on merchandise and plastic cups, it's not about wrestling 4 times a year.

Styles goes on that If guys like Roode, Joe, Eric and He were in the WWE since 2002 they would be way more successful, cooler and entertaining. They could do all the appearances better and then some in the ring. He goes on “In fact we'll run circles around you so let's settle this like wrestlers and at Summerslam let's make it AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe and Eric Young vs John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar and any other guy you choose, it does not matter.” Mic Drop!


That's all folks! I hope you enjoyed my buildup. I leave you with 2 questions

  1. Who do you think should be their 4th member? - I think Edge
  2. What do you think the result of the match should be? Get Creative
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Such great imagination! Fun storyline... Edge would be great as 4th member, but I'm pretty sure he can't wrestle anymore because of concussions. Maybe Booker T comes out from behind announce table to join them ;D