Waaaay to many people spend years and decades visiting their doctor and following their doctors prescriptions...while their wrist tendonitis continues to get worse and worse.
Yet eventually you start to realize that their doctor isn't helping them...and that the other doctors they've seen haven't helped them...and they start looking for answers elsewhere.
And nowadays they go to the internet looking for answers.
On the internet, there's a billion opinions (most of them unhelpful). There's forums full of people that don't know how to fix wrist tendonitis giving advice to each other. There's lots of other professionals willing and available to try to help...chiropractors and acupuncturists and physical therapists and massage therapists and yoga practitioners and and and.
How do you know who to listen to? Who to trust?
If you have wrist tendonitis and you want to fix it, then you need to know WHY you have it and How it develops and progresses.
It's not from playing video games.
It's not from using the computer too much at work or school. (You don't get wrist tendonitis from hanging out on Steemit all day!)
It's not from lifting weights or sports.
It's not from using your hands at work (construction, painting, heavy labor, etc).
Like all tendonitis, wrist tendonitis is a DYNAMIC. And that dynamic is made up of certain factors.
When you know what exactly you need to deal with to make the finger, forearm, and/or wrist pain go away, then
A. you can fix the actual problem
B. you can stop wasting time and money on doctors etc who haven't been able to help (and you'll know why what they've suggested didn't and couldn't work).
C. you can stop worrying that you are 'injured' and that your 'injury' will continue to get worse. (Hint: wrist tendonitis very rarely includes an actual injury)
Watch the video for the critical basics.
For more on wrist tendonitis, see: http://www.tendonitisexpert.com/wrist-tendonitis.html