There is nothing wrong with being picky
if it comes to a pen-pal, especially if comes to an inmate. How to find and write a prisoner? If you search the internet you will find several options. The most "famous" option is: "Write A prisoner".
If a prisoner wants an account he needs to pay for it.
No money? No account and less chance ever to receive a letter or postcard, unless there is a relative or friend who will pay for it.
You can search on different subjects at the site of "Write A prisoner".
Male, female, newest accounts etc. Each inmate introduces him-/herself. Tells what he/she is looking for. Some are looking for a relationship, others just hope for a letter once in a while, look for someone who will help pay their education or lawyer, pray for them and so on. In the US prisons you will find all kind of inmates, also foreigners. You can read/find out as well (also search the web/government site) what an inmate is convicted for + when he/she will be released.
Yes I am picky!
Know what you want. Since I do have a family and I don't want to put them in danger, I asked myself how to protect them, myself and also with what "type" of inmates I am not willing to write with.
To start with I am not willing to write with inmates who are:
- rapists,
- child- and womenmolesters,
- serial killers,
- scammers,
- who look for or need money,
- want me to pray for them or
- want a relationship.
Because I intended to move soon I picked out 10 inmates
to start with. The first contact was easily made by sending an e-mail to "write a prisoner". They forwarded my introduction letter to the inmate of my choice. From then on I needed to wait for a response.
the picture (card) is made by an inmate
It depends on the prison + the privileges of an inmate
if he/she can e-mail back or has to write the old fashioned way with pen and paper (or in some cases pencil and paper). Important to know is that all letters can/will be read. So be carefull with what you tell. You never know who will read it.
Might be I simply don't know how to pick out the right one,
but despite of what "write a prisoner" tells you or wants you to believe, most inmates are:
- not honest in their introduction,
- not looking for a pen-pal in the first place or
- simply don't have the money for a stamp,
- do like to receive letters (news from the
outside world) but never write back.
It's good to be picky if you decide to look for an inmate
as a pen-pal and to quit if that inmate tries to:
- manipulate you,
- (ab)use you or
- want to make you pay for everything.
Like to know more about me? Please read my other posts.
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