Today things seem like they are
Our world is changing so fast.
In many (read most) ways
This is not such a Bad Thing
There are those who resist
Change at all cost
My own parents hated my
Hippy hair, not thinking
About all the great men
Of History who had such.
Change for the sake of change,
Is NOT a good thing
Speaking from experience.
Change, for the sake of fixing
Historical inequalities and
Injustices, IS a good thing
My parents were born eleven
Years after the first
Airplane flight at Kitty Hawk.
They got around in mule and
Buckboard Wagon.

During their lives, they saw
So much history;
The first transatlantic airplane
Flights, Radio, Television, Vaccines
To prevent diseases.
They also saw WW One and Two,
The Korean Conflict
The Vietnam War, Granada,
The Iran Hostage Crisis,
The Oil Embargo, the end of the Draft.
They saw the first resignation of
A Sitting President, the
Assassination of another, the
Impeachment of another sitting
President, and far too much corruption.
Yet still today, we have people
Who resist change,
As it if is all bad, and they could
Keep things the way
They were when they were young.
Like an Ostrich with its head
In the sand, they
Cannot accept that change is
Inevitable, and for the
Most part, a good thing, if we make it so.
Change is difficult, uncomfortable,
It can be painful.
It is necessary for life to
Continue to develop; no change
No development or adaptation.
Times Change, for the Better,
For the most part.
All people, Women, Gays
Everyone deserves equality; it is
That time, so let us embrace it.
a Brief History
Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

Today things seem like they are
Our world is changing so fast.
In many (read most) ways
This is not such a Bad Thing
There are those who resist
Change at all cost
My own parents hated my
Hippy hair, not thinking
About all the great men
Of History who had such.
Change for the sake of change,
Is NOT a good thing
Speaking from experience.
Change, for the sake of fixing
Historical inequalities and
Injustices, IS a good thing
My parents were born eleven
Years after the first
Airplane flight at Kitty Hawk.
They got around in mule and
Buckboard Wagon.
During their lives, they saw
So much history;
The first transatlantic airplane
Flights, Radio, Television, Vaccines
To prevent diseases.
They also saw WW One and Two,
The Korean Conflict
The Vietnam War, Granada,
The Iran Hostage Crisis,
The Oil Embargo, the end of the Draft.
They saw the first resignation of
A Sitting President, the
Assassination of another, the
Impeachment of another sitting
President, and far too much corruption.
Yet still today, we have people
Who resist change,
As it if is all bad, and they could
Keep things the way
They were when they were young.
Like an Ostrich with its head
In the sand, they
Cannot accept that change is
Inevitable, and for the
Most part, a good thing, if we make it so.
Change is difficult, uncomfortable,
It can be painful.
It is necessary for life to
Continue to develop; no change
No development or adaptation.
Times Change, for the Better,
For the most part.
All people, Women, Gays
Everyone deserves equality; it is
That time, so let us embrace it.
a Brief History
Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks