Being ignored

in writing •  7 years ago 

Screenshot_115.pngBeing Ignored..
I am still waiting for you even though I'm being alone.
I feel you always near me , but I understand myself it my all day after day.
I find myself being in past , then I wouldn't be with you I just wished I felt like you care, even just a msg and there.
I don't feel that's to much to ask from you , when you love someone you should want to. We used to be happy we used to talk, and not distance together
I once felt like you were my one, Now I'm starting to feel like this may it's over done. No matter how much I don't want to talk or remember you
Lately I beg, I scream and I cry,
I Make you feel special like i did before, I know we cant do this. Now I know that we are old and sit in our ways enough I'm done with this .

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