For the love of it

in writing •  8 years ago  (edited)

There was something I forgot to explore/mention in my last post in regards to Steem and writing. One of my biggest hesitations/excuses when it comes to posting on Steem is the motivation for doing so and therefore my motivation for writing itself. I believe any creative action must come from within and be motivated by the love of the work, not financial benefit. Making money off of ones art is a noble pursuit as any great artist can attest, for they must make a living as well. But of course this can't be your main driving factor.

I fear that any monetary success (I know, how ambitious/arrogant to think I'll have any success) I receive for my writing will corrupt my ability to write for myself, and thus make me lose my ability to create genuine writing as I will be thinking about my audience first. How do I become secure in myself before catering to others? I guess this is the whole struggle for artistic integrity isn't it. I can't even imagine what super famous artists and athletes have to contend with.

"Fear stifles our thinking and actions. It creates indecisiveness that results in stagnation. I have known talented people who procrastinate indefinitely rather than risk failure. Lost opportunities cause erosion of confidence, and the downward spiral begins." - Charles Stanley

A few years back I took an acting class with my wife and fear was a huge obstacle to overcome in performing. I read several books during that era that helped me to grow as a person that I would like to share. Since were on the subject of fear I'd like to recommend one particular book called Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers Ph.D. This self-help book really puts fear into perspective and provides practical tools in order to pass through the fog and onto your own path of success, whatever field you're yearning to break into. I hope you get as much benefit reading it as I did.


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