STR Gazer Chapter 9

in writing •  7 years ago 

"Morning mom." Alashie says through a yawn as she sits down at the table.

"It's 3:30 Allie. Hardly morning." Alashie's mother responded without turning away from the stove.

"Ugh. Ma I made a food processor. Why you still use that ancient thing?"

"Love Alashie." she says turning around. "Things are always better when they're made with love Nǚ'ér. Happy birthday."

Alashie goes wideeyed at the sound of the word "birthday". "Aw shit. Today's the 11th? Mom I....."

"Forgot? Hmmm..." Alashie's mom says with a furrowed brow. "Actually today is the 13th. I didn't want to wake you. Xalissa and Xavier came by. So did that cute loonie boy. I told them you were resting. I made you a cake."

Alashie says nothing and looked down as her mother brings the cake to the table. "Ma. He don't like being called that" Alashie says in almost a whisper.

"Can we talk?" Alashie looks up slightly. "Don't look like that . Rhetorical question. We're gonna talk. Cut the cake."

Alashie picks up the knife and grabs the cake plate. "There's nothing to talk about ma."

"Seriously? That's the story you want to go with? You can talk to me Allie." Alashie's mom smiles reminiscing "I remember when me and your dad were your age. We used to do Psychobyllin derivatives. Psycho sticks we called em. Oh! The high was amazing but the come down was. made you sleep for days."

"Nirvana's sake ma. I'm not on drugs."

"I'm not judging Allie. But you're my only child. I have barely seen you in weeks. You shuffle in like a zombie the other night and I say to myself. I say Ninti. Your baby came home just in time to celebrate her birthday with her mama. I say Ninti it's nothing to worry about. Think of how you were when you turned 16. Then. Well then you sleep for four days and I'm not so sure it's nothing to worry about. So I know you have this brooding genius thing going on like your father but goddamn it Alashie you're going to have to tell me something."

"Mom. There's nothing going on. I've been spending a lot of time working on school projects. If I can perfect my zero point field design I'll have a real shot at Jīqìrénfest this year. If I come in at least top 5 I can probably get scholarships. We've talked about this."

Ninti sighed. "I've heard that story from you and all three of your...visitors. You know what's crazy though? You all tell it the exact same way. I know we've never been the closest baby but you've never tried to treat me like I was stupid. Are you in trouble?'

"Mom why the hell would you ask me when you won't even believe me." Alashie says sliding cake on both of their plates.

"Ok...Ok. I don't believe you. I won't lie to you. I just don't. But I do however trust you. You don't want to tell me? Fine. But promise me. No. Swear. Let me look deep into your father's eyes and swear to me that you'll get away when the time comes.

"Get away?" Alashie asks

"Your friends. They love you. Especially those twins. They'll do anything to keep you out of harm's way. I know that. But Allie, what if they can't protect you? What if they need the protecting? If that day comes you have to get away."

"Get away to where?"

"Come home. Go to the place we took you when you were young. Go anywhere. I don't care. Just get away. I lost your father. I won't lose you do you understand me little girl."

Alashie looks away again. "You didn't lose dad. He left. Remember?"

"Oh I remember all too well. It's you that don't remember." Ninti shakes her head and smiles her big bright smile. "Now eat your damn cake. I have to work in an hour"

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