why reinvent ourselves?

in writing •  7 years ago 

We are going along a path that seems made for us. We enjoy the feeling of being in control and the ability to maximize our life because of the power we wield over ourselves and others. This feeling is magnified because of the power of our position and our integration into society at higher altitudes. Imagine that we are driving on a road that is so well known to us. We can zoom at will passing landmarks that we know will always be there. There are milestones on this road that we had bookmarked a long time and it makes us feel extremely gratified when we pass them. The ride is eventful but each event is either already anticipated or can be handled with aplomb. Nothing can make us as happy as we are today. Indeed the journey is beautiful, focused and fulfilling.

As human beings, we realize that nothing lasts forever. We are children of time as is everything else in this universe. But our reaction to the passage of time is either indifference or downright revulsion. When we are young we don’t care about the journey that we undertake and when we are older we are only interested in easing the journey that is thrust upon us.

Just imagine if the opposite had happened. What if we decided when we were young to spend time to ensure that our journey is of high quality and smooth. Later on as we got older, we decided to not care for it as much. How would life change in this case?

The one amazing thing about this universe is that 7 billion or more human beings can come up with different answers at any point of time. But the realization must be that the same question is being asked of us all the time. The universe is probing each one of us to determine how we answer and what we have seen in our lives that allow us to answer differently

The human being has this powerful ability to change provided he or she follows instincts. These instincts will instruct us in no uncertain terms about the way the universe if working with us. What does the word “universe” mean for any of us? It is merely the conglomeration of desires and outcomes. Each attempt by us to change something will be met with an equal and opposite reaction to ensure that things stay the same. Who wins in this endgame? It is always the universe who is our greatest teacher and student. The universe learns about us as much as it forces us to learn about it.

So where does that leave us with respect to the universe?

  1. We are living life together. The universe has its expectations about how life should unfold and so do we

  2. Our goals are identical. We want to control our lives and the universe is a self perpetuating system that is control

  3. Our paths are the same. We are focussed on ourselves and the universe on itself

But there is one fundamental difference between us and that is the word “WHY”. We pose that question all the time while the universe never is accorded that freedom. It is entirely incurious about the root cause for any event. By now we have realized that even the universe believes in philosophy. Its morals and tenets are engendered in its existence. In fact it cannot survive without it. Its philosophy tells it how to handle events that occur, how to move forward from it, how to sustain and even how to terminate. Just imagine that if we there is no constant change in each of us that forms the known universe, then the universe would have no duties to be performed.

Therein lies the lessons we must learn. We as sentient beings are the change drivers. Each change that affects us will always cause a ripple effect. The ripple spreads to impart energy to another ripple and in this way a cascade of ripples fights for change in the universe just like the universe will fight to retain order. Entropy is our friend.

Imagine that entropy of our self is itself a catalyst leading to the emergence of another.

A human being always needs to reinvent. Reinvention means change. It means that we have discarded the follies of a past life and embraced the promises of a new one. It is generally the hardest thing to do because we think we can control entropy which is more or less impossible. Our skills change as does our capabilities. Many of us do not recognize that changes within ourselves are inputs to our mind. These events are instructing on what we need to do to going forward.

Change is indeed the only constant. So if we apply this to our life we realize that a human being needs to reinvent their careers, their personal lives and their way of life itself. We would do well to not ignore what the universe is telling us and find means to make a change to ourselves so that we can become an intense part of this entropic universe. A great engineer might become an even better paramedic. An accountant could very well paint the next Picasso. The energy inside of us is constantly looking for new avenues to explore and new vistas to unlock. If we listen deeply to the environment around us then we will know what we need to do and how we have to do it. So listen to your self, monitor this seemingly unchanging universe and apply these learnings to your own life. As we change, so does the world around us. As we reinvent, so will the universe around us. Finally as we metamorphose ourselves, so do the people that we encounter.

We must at all times realize that the pursuit of life as we know it is temporary but the pursuit of reinvention is timeless for it is an integral part of the cosmic culture of educating the universe about us.

Happy reinventing!

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