Venezuela its people, our culture, our country

in writing •  7 years ago 

When we see a country with so many possibilities but its politics has a precarious system, we see what is happening in Venezuela today: hunger, inflation, scarcity of medicines, high crime rate and assassinations, are many parameters uphill for the citizens of this country. The latest current figure of Venezuelan migration is in the order of 2 million souls looking for a better future in other countries, to have to start from scratch, but the issue that I am going to develop is not of the people who have left, but of the people who stay for many reasons, perhaps they do not have the capital to be able to leave, they do not want to leave their families or they wish to stay and fight to rescue our country from the clutches of the supposedly socialist corrupt regime, it is not an easy task but also not impossible.

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Staying in Venezuela is to live in the order of chaos many deficiencies, it is to be concerned more than normal, you have to do a lot of magic with money that is not enough even for the basic, there are also many limitations with the products you can find, when they regulate a product there is no real control and in turn this disappears from the shelves, manufacturers do not want to lose with hyperinflation so high that it is devouring the country and that every day, are more than 18 years old with the same faces of the false socialists only rotating in the posts of the regime and increasingly the shortcomings are accentuated.

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Being and living in Venezuela at the moment is brave, I can't deny that the idea of leaving the country has come to me, but when I think about it I decide to stay because I want to fight with my family, I already have several relatives and brothers who have left the country but my vision is that at some point we will be able to get out of this agony that all those who inhabit Venezuela live in their own flesh. I can't help but have memories of a country that I've enjoyed its goodness, beaches, rivers, all their nature, where we have fallen in love, where we have strengthened the culture with our ideas and projects, where we have fulfilled dreams and that in spite of the crude situation those aspirations and ideals remain intact as I continue to work. When I wake up and see the sun, I have the same motivation because I know that God prepares something very positive for those of us who continue to fight while there is life, there is much hope of achieving what we desire.

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This subject continues and I will continue to develop it because there is much to highlight from our great Venezuela despite the circumstances.

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Porque Venezuela está llena de bellezas de todo tipo y debemos luchar para que se mantengan! Excelente las fotos que has escogido para enseñar un pedazo de nuestra tierra :)


exelente las fotos !

Capturing the beauty in its perfection! Excelente!!!


Seems like other countries also having similar problems just like my homeland (Bangladesh). And a similar type of people also there. Some are fighting against the regime and being kidnapped, tortured and killed (extrajudicial killing). Some are migrating to other countries (I am outside not for that issue :) ). The crime rate is high. Educational institutions are battlefields due to dirty student politics. Various law enforcement agencies are working as government's own force, not for the country. Hijacking, kidnapping, rape news are covering most of the news pages. In short, a living hell.

By the way, those nice pictures are dissimilar with your topics. Are those reflecting your expectations? A divine place!

In the publication I reflect the contrast of the bad situation and the good times we have lived in this land of grace, regrettably we went through a storm, many have left but we remain the ones who give the battle every day and if, those images are captures of those places in my country that have been blessed and it is true are the reflection of my expectations and desires for my nation.

venezuela is everything

That's right.

Loved to read something new about Venezuela (inside info)! Photos are great. I want to visit it now!

The truth is that you understood perfectly what I said about Venezuela and I know that many people would like to visit it, but being very sincere these days is very complicated to visit the country, because there are many problems caused by a corrupt regime that has only harmed our nation, but God through the support of all democratic countries and our battle to expel the perpetrators of evil, we will be able to free Venezuela and all other countries again you friends of the world will be able to meet and visit this land full of grace, good people, intelligent and hardworking, a country with many natural wonders, is what we aspire.