My Close Friend #2

in writing •  6 years ago 

the bright, windy fifth day of june was not different from the other days. his office tables had clusters of white sheets of paper, large reference books, current newspapers and a dest-top personal computer. he stared hard and long at the monitor of the computer and then stouted, it must end today . the client, whose work he sought, the people's democratic party (PDP).


national presidential election was due in one and haif year's time and the PDP needed the services of dataman corporation. the party wanted an evidence based political marketing plan that will enable it sell itself successfully to the electorate.

as the head of the team assembled to prepare the plan, idehen was piecing together all the sections of the plan that day. he ran and reran checks on all the large numbers and ensured that they were in line with reality. unimpressed with the recommendations, he decided to rewrite them.

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