[Original Novel] Little Robot, Part 39

in writing •  7 years ago 

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37

An hour or so later, desert gave way to thick woods. A familiar sight from past commutes, it meant we were getting close. I wished GPS were still safely usable so I could know the precise number of miles remaining. I’m a constitutionally anxious person, and the looming prospect of death from the skies wasn’t doing me any favors.

Now and then a humanoid would burst out from between the densely packed trees behind us and chase the car for a ways. With a maximum speed of twelve miles per hour they were easy to lose, but numerous. Ever-present pests which made it unsafe to stop the car for bathroom breaks or to effect repairs to the car.

As a result I initially paid no mind to the latest robot to chase after us, only taking notice when we still didn’t manage to lose it after several minutes. “Guys? There’s a-” Lars cut me off. “I see it. Been keepin’ an eye on it for the last couple miles. Doesn’t look like the ones we’ve dealt with until now. Still got your nocs?”

I did, and was soon peering through them at our mysterious pursuer. More cause for curiosity than alarm as it didn’t seem able to overtake ‘Rhonda’...until the small aerial drone detached from its back and sped towards us. “Something came off it!” I cried.

“I saw”. Lars swerved into the other lane, then back. The drone changed trajectory each time, confirming our fears. I couldn’t see it clearly as it wouldn’t hold still enough, but there was plainly some sort of payload attached. I had my suspicions about what it was, and no desire to be vindicated.

“Give it more gas!” Madeline demanded. Lars objected that we were already approaching 110 and coming up on the red line. “What is it? What fucking robot is there that can run this fast!?” In fact I recalled some article I’d seen months ago about quadrupedal military robots designed for speed, patterned after cheetahs.

The speed of the legged robot wouldn’t be such a problem if not for the drone it carried. The little quadcopter’s battery couldn’t keep up for long at these speeds, but whenever it ran low it simply withdrew, landed on the running quadruped and recharged from it. Then our evasive dance began anew.

It always came in suspiciously low. I assumed it would try to get close to the cabin, but then realized if it could get under the fuel tank and detonate there, even a relatively small explosive charge would be enough.

Lars must’ve realized the same thing, as every time the drone tried to maneuver under the rear of the car, he’d swerve suddenly in an attempt to crush it under one of the back wheels. But it proved much too fast, reaction times like those of a fly evading the swatter.

“Did they leave the guns in the back?” In fact they did, but still no ammunition. Our options rapidly dwindling to zero, Lars hit on what to him must’ve seemed like a clever gambit. “Use your cape!” I explained that it was never a ‘cape’ but a thermal cloak. “Now’s not the time, for fuck’s sake just trail it out behind us, maybe we can confuse it!”

I didn’t see how that could work, but did as I was told. As expected, because we were moving so quickly the wind prevent the cloak from draping over the rear of the car as Lars probably hoped it would, instead and flapping and flailing wildly until I lost hold of it.

The great billowing sheet sailed directly into the path of the quadrotor, which evidently had no provisions in its programming for avoiding a thermally invisible object. Like a net, the mylar sheet enveloped the drone, which swiftly tumbled to the asphalt in a tangled metallic bundle.

A bright flash and ear splitting bang followed as the drone’s plastic explosive detonated, flaming scraps of melting mylar scattered to the winds. The quadrupedal carrier, briefly obscured by the flames and smoke, gracefully leapt through the conflagration in continued pursuit.

I proposed slowing down along side it, then running it off the road. Lars refused, reasoning that it could also be carrying explosives. “Throw one of those fuckin robot dog toys at it, maybe it’ll trip.” I reflexively clutched them close to me. “I will do no such thing.”

Before we could decide what to do about the galloping metal bomb chasing us, a rusty red truck surged forth from a back road shrouded by branches. I didn’t understand how it could keep pace until I saw that the engine block protruded through an opening cut out of the hood. Must be somebody like Lars behind the wheel.

The truck positioned itself behind and to the left of the cheeta bot. I couldn’t make out the occupants from this angle, but did see a pair of arms point a scoped hunting rifle out through the passenger side window.

Their position relative to us thankfully put ‘Rhonda’ out of the line of fire, and a few well placed shots later, our metallic pursuer erupted in a brilliant red-orange fireball. Scraps of smoking metal debris tumbled a ways further down the road before coming to a rest as the burning wreckage rapidly receded in our rear view mirror.

We all whooped and cheered, overcome with relief. The dingy red truck then pulled up alongside us and the hefty looking woman with the rifle in the passenger seat gestured down the road a ways. The truck then sped off ahead of us.

I couldn’t make sense of it until we reached the roadblock. Enough bullet riddled metal hulks piled up to stop even a speeding semi, we had little choice but to slow down and come to halt before it. “I don’t like this” Madeline whispered as four men emerged from behind the blockade, brandishing rifles.

I hastily slipped my mask back onto Helper, now glowing a dull purple. The quartet of armed men surrounded the car and instructed us to get out. I quietly advised Helper to speak in a male voice if possible, but she didn’t reply.

“What is this?” Madeline asked. “Are you robbing us? Is that it?” An overweight bearded fellow with a long grey beard and flush cheeks waddled out from behind the barrier. “Put your gun down fellas. They don’t look like no bandits to me.”

The men obeyed, lowering their rifles and backing away. “Heard you were being tailed by a runner. A metal convoy came through the first night, hiding those things along the side of the road. My boys swept through this morning, I really thought we got ‘em all. My apologies, but it looks like you made it through in one piece.”

A song and dance. They’ve sent out a jolly looking face so we’ll let our guard down, I thought. But under the circumstances I saw no choice but to humor him. “Who are you? What do you want with us?” Madeline repeated.

He belly laughed in a passable impression of Santa Claus. “Oh don’t worry yourself miss. Nobody you’re likely to know, and we’re not a pack of robbers either. That’s the US government you’re thinking of.” He waited for us to laugh, but we stood there stiff as a couple of telephone polls waiting for him to show his hand.

“There’s a fine little hunting lodge down the road a bit after the blockade. My pride and joy. Life’s work, really. I founded it to get away from it all. From the bustle and impersonal nature of cities. From the regulatory zeal of big brother. Then I invited a couple buddies to come build cabins out here. Before long we had what you might call an intentional community going.”

I could practically hear the dueling banjos. But they did save us from the runner, that’s gotta count for something. We were allowed to get back in the car, then a van at the edge of the barricade backed up so we could pass around the shoulder of the road.

We debated whether to speed off once permitted to pass the barrier, but not far beyond the lodge they’d set up a second barrier. Presumably to prevent that sort of thing. The lot was overflowing with the cars of people I assumed he’d persuaded to join his merry little band of forest dwelling anarchist wackadoos.

Stay Tuned for Part 40!

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The speed of the legged robot wouldn’t be such a problem if not for the drone it carried. The little quadcopter’s battery couldn’t keep up for long at these speeds, but whenever it ran low it simply withdrew, landed on the running quadruped and recharged from it. Then our evasive dance began anew.

This is insane. I would have freaked out if it were to be me. Being chased by a bot that can run and fly without getting tired. This is a freaking chasedown.

The concept of machines or devices being modeled after animals is really cool. From what i heard, GPS was modeled after homing pigeons. So modeling robots after cheetah isn't too far fetched

Lots of inspirations come from mother nature.

2 billion years of trial and error will give you solutions better than any engineer who has only lived for 50 years can devise.

I find this quote puzzling. You care to enlighten me on it?

Evolution arrives at solutions more clever than any human being possibly could even though the mechanism by which it operates is simply trial and error, because it acts over such a long time. Humans only have 80-100 years to accumulate experience, so they can't make something better.

Okay...that's better. Thanks for the explanation.

Apparently they are sending more sophisticated robots. Starting from an unmanned plane until the robot runner is so tight. Do not imagine how sophisticated the next robots will they send in the future. A good story description @alexbeyman.

The helper should be covered as best as possible if you do not want to be uncovered. Fortunately, the four armed men who became the defenders were not suspicious with the presence of a helper. Okay @ alexbeyman, I'll wait for their journey after they've got through the barricade. Good job @alexbeyman.

Initially horribly chased by a high-speed cheetah robot and a lively drone like a fly. Fortunately they can be destroyed.

It's fun to hang out with the people on our side. At least, fear can be overcome from enemy threats of sophisticated robots. A good story @alexbeyman.

Great red truck. I did not expect him to keep up with the speed of the fast metal run and ultimately destroy it. The driver is also a new character in the story.

With a maximum speed of twelve miles per hour they were easy to lose,...

For robot, that’s not bad. Unfortunately they are being fallowed by some kind of military drone robot, which is able to keep up with them. Even in speed of 110mph. It tried to get under the car to explode it. They knew it.

...a rusty red truck surged forth from a back road shrouded by branches...

Fortunately they were saved by some kind of antigovernment group.

Lars proven to be more active this night. I salute his courage like that. Uhm, tough show tonight just like a racing car on the asphalt road.

The men obeyed, lowering their rifles and backing away.

Do you put something on your mouth to speak to him?

I quietly advised Helper to speak in a male voice if possible, but she didn’t reply.

She is not always afraid of anything. I guess it is because she is a machine.

A good decision. Although there is a chance to take a break in the little hunting lodge. Immediately rushing off is the best option before they sniff out the existence of a robot in the car, the helper. After all, we do not know what will happen. It could be suddenly a group of men were attacked by messengers in the form of new robots as a counter attack.

As a result I initially paid no mind to the latest >robot to chase after us, only taking notice when we still didn’t manage to lose it after several minutes.

There seems to be more war today the robot with there problem again, don't know when they are going to stop the attack on you guys. Lars did a very wonderful task to today, and Helper tries hide under your mask.

Close one for the guys, speeding robot almost had em. #bringbackOdie #ourfavouriterobot

Hanging out with the people on our side is great fun let alone eliminate the fear of sophisticated robotic threats and from the start chased by high speed cheetah robots and drones like flies and fortunately they can be destroyed. Very interesting story @alexbeyman

Your story always delivers new ideas about presently robots or upcoming robots which will effect our da today life..
It is obvious when we move in near future our robots will be more sophisticated than the previous ones this because of our advanced technology..
Like the way GPS was modelling , i think the modelling of robot after cheetah is not far away from our techonology ..
Thanks for sharing such an innovative post..

Nobody you’re likely to know, and we’re not a pack of robbers either. That’s the US government you’re thinking of.”

lol our govt is worst than that

They tried to make a maneuver proposed by Lars but did not leave, but without wanting to achieve something much better than getting rid of that drone, although that quadruped remained but thanks to those strangers they were able to escape unharmed from that pursuit. It is difficult to trust strangers and more armed, they must have their rules and more about robots. How long will it take for them to notice the presence of helper and the other hidden robots? To stay there is to have a safe problem with the inhabitants of that small community. The best decision was to leave.

Of all the persecution, the only thing I liked was the reaction you had when Lars commented that the small robots were thrown as a distraction, it's the best thing you could do not abandon your friends for nothing or in the worst situation, that lets you see that you're a good friend of the robots and also of the humans. And they will know that they can count on Tigo in the good and in the bad, on the people who appeared it would be better to take distance as you have a helper with Tigo and they could see her as an enemy.

You have a new follower haha, very good and interesting novel

Do modern day robots fit to what you describe in your novel Alex ?
I mean do they have all these capabilities and stuff.

Mostly, but their capabilities are exaggerated slightly in the story:

Mehn that's absolutely amazing.
I wonder how and when the technology reached to this level.
I wish I had one programmed by myself. Lol

Hello sir, good to see you. Excellent writing once again.I really love this novel.Waiting for the next part.

Your this post is different , the concept of machines or devices model after animals us really cool . I really like it .

I upvote you ...

And thanks for sharing @alexbeyman

Your post is awsome, and story is very good
The horror story. Thank you for this post sharing boss good job @alexbeyman

your posts are always inspiring

Unfortunately i missed some 10 last parts and this part is something facinating to me.