Random Musings...Cover Stories for Secrets...

in writing •  11 months ago  (edited)

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When looking into conspiracy theories, one question seems to dominate, when the debunking begins. That question goes something like, "How do you keep this a secret with so many people in on it?". That question never made much sense to me when used for debunking conspiracy theories.

It seems to me that not everybody needs to know the secret they are safekeeping. It's the story covering the secret that's important, and everyone needs to know, believe and spread. The story is the lie. Get that story in the mainstream...especially the education system and news outlets...and your secret will be safe. Unless, of course, the holder of the secret let's the secret, or clues thereof, leak...accidentally, or otherwise. Or, someone finds the logical holes in the story.

The skeptics are the dangerous minority, for they take the time to study the story. They will eventually notice the logical holes in the story and conclude that it's covering a secret...figuring it's a cover story of sorts. Sort of like a child discovering the logical holes in the Santa story, as it get older.

I'd say keep to the skeptics as they're the ones who will expose possible lies, which we may be living.

You know? It's been said that when you tell a big enough lie and repeat it often it will become true. Hmmm...

The story is the lie which hides the secret and revealing that secret is dangerous, possibly even life threatening.

Another point. I would suggest that a lie detector doesn't detect if you're lying, or not. It detects if you're being honest, or not. Those who know, believe and propagate the story are honest, although the story may not be true. You see, neither the one being tested, nor the lie detector would know that the story is a lie.

Just random musings...

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Note to self:
Make sure at least your Title has correct spelling. ;)

I just realized that we can edit our text, so I just corrected the word Sories in the title to Stories.